Thursday, 18 May 2023

Guest Publication By Rhodry 18.05.2023

Learning your place.

Astria stood there at his newest acquirements a young woman barely a woman, he was puzzled of what this thrall is smiling, was the potion that dull her mind still there. Or was her broke, But she looking him, with a peace of mind. Astria always checked the new thralls, it never bothered him, but why does this woman who stall naked and bound Infront of me.

So the great Astria we finely met, she said. Do I you, girl, he said. NO, I doubt you would know me, you stolen my lands, captured my tribe, killed my family, she said. And I should know you. He said. I guess not, she said. So , I'm here a correct what you have done. She said. What your going to stop, you a girl will stop me. Yes, a girl, she said. Then the girl spoke a several strange words, Then lights and mist appeared, as the lights and mist disappeared. When Astria gain his senses, he could believe it, Astria was himself standing there. What kind of trickery his this he said. But the voice sounded feminine in masculine tones.

Oh dear the great Astria can't figure out that, you aren't you, anymore my dear what you called me a thrall, oh yes that is the word you used on me. So my thrall you will be my pleasure servant, if not I will break you. I will not, be your pleasure servant or anyone, the former Astria said. You have no choice in the matter. I am lord here, that now Lord Astria Dowmy, if you doing wish to be mine, you in the pleasant tents to serve my men, or be a one of the breeders me add to my tribe (breeder, a person or persons births child). As the Astria commander the master pain and pleasure. He was instructed to bend her, not break her she will a new addition to tents either way. As the new Astria watch as the master was a expert. Of break a woman's spirt. As the former Astria was trained to be a proper pleasure servant. Maybe I will give her my seeds so bear new life, how fitting the former Astria a simple girl now. She will not break easy or simply. But she will be. (Note the term of Thralls has several means one of the Norse a person is in bondage or serfdom)

Skinny dipping at midnight.

He was about seventh years old. When this happened to him and nearly a dozen other elderly people, they doing this for nearly sixty years doing a skinny dipping in the local bay. On one special day, one occasion they all jumped in just before midnight and left several minutes later. They been doing this on this day as tradition, but this time is was different , thou they still were doing it a skinny-dipping. But the morning after those dozen elderly people woke young, more vibrant and all feminine, even the men that entered the bay at that time. Ben who did this for 60 years, was a girl, a female, a woman. Physically, biologically. Was odd and strange at best, but the mental and emotion they seen to not be bother at the fact that the ones that were once males, now female. Ben and the other that change were taught to be girl, Ben now Becky started to enjoy they new life being young and being girls now. But Becky and the other girls have still done this tradition even after what happen to they, they are still young, healthy and pretty twenty-somethings, and they are skinny-dipping in that spot of the bay. Even five years later. ( note there was unusually event that happened in that area, two Ben/Becky when it happened and changed there gender, two it extended there life by 3 or 4 times they life expectancy so they might live to 320 to 350 years, they'll stop getting old when they hit about a 180 or 200, in sense they look a mature and youthful 40 to 45 years. But they is a guess, believe that could live another 100 years longer.)

Different women.

Shadow that's my real name, I call myself that because of why I can do, I can become a shadow, a wraith of sorts, it happen barely a week ago when I turned 21 in some cases that your old enough to drink, and so on. To me, that is another story that my gift, ability show it self to me, they said that I was different, but how much different, they said that I could a part of the brain that most don't really understand it, it like how do explain a gift or talented person.

My first time was I took over, took possession of woman at the time, I'm not sure why or how it, or how come, By was in the middle of something thing that was carnal, a sexual nature. I was in a nearly naked woman, about to have carnal pleasure, to put it simply sex as a girl, a female, a woman. He didn't like the idea it, he did mind being a girl for a time. But sex, carnal desires of a woman, he actually feel the lust the desire of her wants, her need to had a man to penetrate her, Shadow did like the idea, but her desires. When he had enough sense to leave her body. But it was about a few minutes to late. He actually felt this man, that this girl was having sex with, he came into him as her at that, when he felt it, it felt, painful and exciting and wonderful too at same time. After nearly a hours, Shadow, finely to leave her body. Is was the first time he was a girl. It was mixed plain, pleasure and wonder. So about a week later Shadow decided to do it again, but this time he would choice he would control it, so he choice a twenty-something prostitute ( hooker) to take over to choice it. this time it wasn't as painful, but it was pleasurable, a girl selling herself for sex for money. Shadow decided to stay as a prostitute for a day or two or so. But it turned that Shadow decided be her for about four week, he/she enjoyed the sex, and the some drugs. But sometimes, there was one or two of them that ever rough or kicky. Which landed Shadows possess hooker body in the hospital. About a few days later when he had the strength, the will power. To entered another body. A nurse probably that was go by and though the hallway. SO well a group of nurses was passing by. At the moment went he transferred into another body. As his vision clearly was in another body. It wasn't a nurse, it was a woman, a pregnant woman, who water just broke about a several minutes ago. As he started to think clearly , he want to get out of her. He did like the idea of more pain. But his/her water broke barely 3hours. 21 minutes later. He/she was starting to go into labor.

About 16 hours 35 minutes later. He/she was about ready to give labor. He tried several to leave but couldn't. But in that moment as he/she gave birth. Shadow the child that he/she given birth to. That he wanted to be experience the feeling of one. Within a day, Shadow find the right person the right one. Is this the right person.

About nearly 3 years 4 months one day 11 hours Shadow still her, he err she could herself as a she, a girl, a woman now, but a nurse, a wife, a mother, thou this is her second pregnancy. Will Shadow leave her life and experience other lives, she thought of it, and said no, not if I knew this as a teenager, maybe thing would be different, this is my life now. I wouldn't change it.

I like girls not boys!


Anthony was now a girl. He was trapped into a girls body. After had to sexually masturbated, In that moment. he wasn't himself anymore, he was a he, he was a she, actually he was now in his daughters body, he had that strange feeling , that sense it felt okay, normal for him to be a her, a she, a girl. But it shouldn't be this way. He never considered being a girl, never mind to dress as one. Did think about it. once or twice probably but, he thought, all guys probably too.

So now he has to pretend that he is her now. Until thing could be figured out. He/she had to go out with his daughter girlfriend Emma, for a night out. So Anthnoy daughter help him/her out to help him/her dress for the evening. Anthony trying on his/her dress from the even, when he/she looked at his/herself in the mirror. He/she could believe what he/she had on. Thou he/she like it, but to wear it in public, that was the problem, or it was the problem. To see it or admitter it is one thing, to wear it and be gawk at is another thing. But he/she convinced that where going it was okay to wear it.

As Anthnoy as his daughter, couldn't have that strange twinge, that feeling in his/her stomach. Was he/she excited with his/her daughters friend Emma, stop that now, your old enough to be her father, and your a girl, and her friend now. SO behave yourself now.

But after two or three or was it five drinks later. He/she felt a bit claimer, a bit loose. a bit horny now. Anthnoy knew that these drinks wouldn't do anything, but Anthnoy wasn't himself , he was a girl, he/she should know that his/her daughter was that much of a hard drinker, like him did originally. He/she was this woman, next to them, and she interesting in him as his daughter. For some reason, he/she couldn't help when that woman, kissed him/her on the lips. He/she could help that feeling that warm sensation feeling that he/she enjoy it, he/she kissed that woman back. When both of us made out in a stall in the ladies room. My daughter friends, smiled at me. And said you got luck girlfriend. You knew I said. She that you shouldn't drink those drink so soon. Of course, I knew that you like girls now. But are we you know what. I said. NO, we're not, friend and girlfriend. we kiss a bit but were never like that she. Thank goodness. I said. I'm a girl, that like girl. I never knew that she/ I was a lesbian now. Am I girl now. How do I adjust to it now.

Not the story I had in mind.

Edwin barely 15 years old was bestowed a series of Harry Potter book series. He loved the movies and anything of that world of Harry Potter. He felt that he should been in a world of Harry Potter, he felt always different, odd ever really belonging here.

He trying to make a wish, at wishing well, every time he saw a shooing a star, or lite a candle to make wish. He was hoping for something to happen. After trying to make it real. Then on the anniversary of the first books or was it the first movies, Edwin wasn't sure. On that day things changed.

What happened he wasn't sure why or how. He is that world that reality, but he wasn't Edwin anymore, he was now a she, a girl, a female, at first Edwin was mad even angry in a moment on angry and the wand in he had, he shot a bolt from the wand. Then what Edwin as shocked and surprises of both being actual girl and he used magic.

Then he ponder for a long, long time. She should still mad, but this is probably not that bad, being a girl, if means that I had magic and power. Its worth it. She is now a girl name Halley Potter now. DO I want to know, why probably, probably not. Well i have get to many thing being a girl. How get out of this, oh yes, I was in my tomboy's stage. That could work, as she looked around her room and wardrobe and books too. Yes, I could except this now.

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