Sunday 7 May 2023

Different women requested by Shadow

Pic 1

Pic 2&3

Shadow did not really know how this had happened.

1 minute he was your average normal Guy the next he found that he had a super ability.

He found quite by accident that he could take over other people's bodies when he accidentally took over his lung ladies body.

It was crazy and horny inside her body and all he could think about was cock.

He was disgusted with himself the first time he gave into her bodies desires and took a man to bed.

The first time was rough as he did not know how he fitted in this way around.

It was difficult giving over control to somebody else and letting them do what they liked to your you.

But the feeling of sexual satisfaction opened his mind to a whole new world of pleasure.

Not wanting to give his landlady a worse reputation then she already had he decided to go down third Street near the docks and pick up a hooker and take over her body.

He found it quite fun and liberating standing on the street corner waiting for men to pull up and ask him what each art for what they wanted.

He could not believe some of the things men wanted him to do to them or they wanted to do to him.

He lost track of time in her body and spent an enjoyable four weeks making money taking drugs and having a great time in that world.

But it all came to a crashing stop and he was brought back to reality when one of the men who had picked him up was a little bit too handy with his fists and he ended up in the hospital.

Lying in the hospital bed feeling sorry for himself he decided to leap out of this body.

He decided to take over one of the nurses in the hospital.

He saw the back of one of them walking into the nurses lounge and decided she would be the one for him.

He took over her body and quickly felt something was strange and not like any other woman he had been up to now.

He looked down and saw two large breasts and a large baby bump.

He wanted to leave out straight away but curiosity got the better of him and he wanted to know what it felt like to be pregnant.

He fought to himself it might be a lot of fun and he might learn something new about women.

3 hours 21 minutes after taking over her body her water broke.

6 hours and 21 minutes after her water broke he found himself an excruciating agony as her contractions got worse.

he tried to leave out of her body into somebody else's but found due to the pain he was trapped in there for the long long haul.

16 hours 35 minutes after leaping into her body he was lying in a hospital bed with his legs apart sucking on gas and air giving birth to a baby.

It was the most painful thing he had ever felt in his life.

But the minute he held the baby he had just given birth to in his arms all that did not matter anymore.

Holding the baby close to his chest feeling it's a hard beat against his he said to himself 24 hours and I will go.

2 years 16 months 35 hours after landing in this woman's body he had settled down into his new life as a nurse a mother and a wife and he was now in labour once again.


  1. I love it. Thanks for taking my requests. Not sure if I had sent u another one. If so I can't wait to see it :D

    1. Happy you liked it Shadow and yes I have your other request.

  2. Shadow that's my real name, I call myself that because of why I can do, I can become a shadow, a wraith of sorts, it happen barely a week ago when I turned 21 in some cases that your old enough to drink, and so on. To me, that is another story that my gift, ability show it self to me, they said that I was different, but how much different, they said that I could a part of the brain that most don't really understand it, it like how do explain a gift or talented person.
    My first time was I took over, took possession of woman at the time, I'm not sure why or how it, or how come, By was in the middle of something thing that was carnal, a sexual nature. I was in a nearly naked woman, about to have carnal pleasure, to put it simply sex as a girl, a female, a woman. He didn't like the idea it, he did mind being a girl for a time. But sex, carnal desires of a woman, he actually feel the lust the desire of her wants, her need to had a man to penetrate her, Shadow did like the idea, but her desires. When he had enough sense to leave her body. But it was about a few minutes to late. He actually felt this man, that this girl was having sex with, he came into him as her at that, when he felt it, it felt, painful and exciting and wonderful too at same time. After nearly a hours, Shadow, finely to leave her body. Is was the first time he was a girl. It was mixed plain, pleasure and wonder. So about a week later Shadow decided to do it again, but this time he would choice he would control it, so he choice a twenty-something prostitute ( hooker) to take over to choice it. this time it wasn't as painful, but it was pleasurable, a girl selling herself for sex for money. Shadow decided to stay as a prostitute for a day or two or so. But it turned that Shadow decided be her for about four week, he/she enjoyed the sex, and the some drugs. But sometimes, there was one or two of them that ever rough or kicky. Which landed Shadows possess hooker body in the hospital. About a few days later when he had the strength, the will power. To entered another body. A nurse probably that was go by and though the hallway. SO well a group of nurses was passing by. At the moment went he transferred into another body. As his vision clearly was in another body. It wasn't a nurse, it was a woman, a pregnant woman, who water just broke about a several minutes ago. As he started to think clearly , he want to get out of her. He did like the idea of more pain. But his/her water broke barely 3hours. 21 minutes later. He/she was starting to go into labor.
    About 16 hours 35 minutes later. He/she was about ready to give labor. He tried several to leave but couldn't. But in that moment as he/she gave birth. Shadow the child that he/she given birth to. That he wanted to be experience the feeling of one. Within a day, Shadow find the right person the right one. Is this the right person.
    About nearly 3 years 4 months one day 11 hours Shadow still her, he err she could herself as a she, a girl, a woman now, but a nurse, a wife, a mother, thou this is her second pregnancy. Will Shadow leave her life and experience other lives, she thought of it, and said no, not if I knew this as a teenager, maybe thing would be different, this is my life now. I wouldn't change it.
