Thursday 18 May 2023

You may kiss the bride.

23-year-old City banker Matthew White had lost everything in the financial downturn.

He was homeless and none of his friends wanted anything to do with him now he had no money.

He was now forced to live out of the backseat of his car which yet had not been repossessed like everything else.

He signed up with many different job agencies not caring what sort of work they found him just something that would pay the bills.

He got a phone call from one of the agencies telling him there was a very lucrative job on offer that might suit him.

The job was working for Mr Richardson the third richest man in the country who wanted a living servant and companion.

The wages were £1500  a month with room and board.

It did not seem like hard work for the money you've been offered especially with room and board included.

He got the agency to get him an interview and on the assigned date he went off to meet the old man and his  lawyer.

The interview was quite simple.

He answered questions on his work history education and his life choices.

The old man said he had got the job there and then.

Three days after that he was settling into his new role as living man servant and companion.

6 days after that he awoke to what he thought was a living nightmare.

He was strapped into a machine.

He tried to scream out with all that came out was a girly whisper.

The next morning he awoke in his own bed and his own room thinking it must have been some sort of nightmare.

It was only when he whipped back the covers and stepped out of bed that he noticed the two large breasts hanging on his chest and the empty furry void between his legs.

He screamed in an on familiar high pitched tone that sounded very feminine.

He covered himself in the bed sheets and ran to where Mr Richardson's room was.

He burst through the door and shook Mr Richardson awake demanding to know what he had done to him.

The old man opened his eyes said good morning Stephanie how are you feeling today did you have another one of your nightmares.

Matthew head swimming not knowing what was reality he claps and black out.

A couple of hours later he came to back in his own bed with a nurse sitting next to him.

Mr Richardson came through to see him and the nurse left them to talk in private.

Mr Richardson said
 I know it's a bit of a shock suddenly waking up as a young woman.

You see I'm getting old and I have no one to carry on my legacy for me.

I had originally intended on using this technology to turn myself into a healthy young man once again but I am one of the very rare people out there this technology does not work on.

So I decided to find myself a beautiful young woman with brains to help me enjoy the last years of my life and to take on my fortune and to continue to grow it.

But you see all the young women I interviewed just wanted to marry me for my money and did not have two brain cells.

So I decided to interview men.

I knew I would find the perfect  man with brains to carry on my fortune after I am gone.

When I'm at you I knew you would be the perfect man for the job.

I knew you would not voluntarily allow me to turn you into a beautiful young woman and become my plaything.

So I did it without your permission.

I will give you one week to make up your mind.

If being a woman and my play thing is worth everything I own millions of dollars hundreds of properties thousands of businesses say yes?

Do you Michelle White take Richard Martins to be your lovely wedded wife in sickness and in hell for richer for poor?

Michelle White was silent for a moment and thought as he looked  at his baby bump and said it's a little like to say no so smiled and said I do the priest.


  1. Matthew was a 23-year banker who was raising high he started to have it all, money, position, knowing the right people, have friends in the places, then. Things moved sour for reason that wasn't his fault in a financial downturn. He lost it all, his position, his home, his friends felt that being talking him was a bad idea. So he was left high and dry. The only thing was this car he original had wasn't taking which service as his home for the last several months. He wanted to started do something to get, to get back in the game so to speak of. So he signed up for several different job agencies. Then there a decent offer. There was this offer for a living servant and companion for a Mr. Richardson, know to be the third richest in the country. So he arrived at proper time with a lawyer and the old man properly Mr. Richardson. Then asked about his work history and life choices. At the moment the old said that you got it. The job is in the country 1500 pounds a month, room and board included. So the next day or so, Matthew arrived at Mr. Richardson home. It was understatement of saying it was a home. As he was about to settled he felt tired , probably the trip. When he woke up nearly a 7 days later. He was trapped in a machine, he tried to screamed but couldn't than a girlish whisper instead.
    The next morning he woke up, he thought that he was dreaming, a bad dream. Something was wrong, he felt funny, in a strange way. then when he gather his senses, he checked his body. He a pair of breasts, and he didn't his penis there, to put it simple he wasn't a he, he is a she now. When it hit him, he let out a scream as best as possible, it was high pitched, and masculine feminine tone. He couldn't find a robe or something, so he tried to cover his now feminine body go to MR. Richardson room and demand what happened to him. Good morning Matthew my dear he said, I guess your not Matthew not like this. But then he blackout and was in own room again. a nurse was sitting next to him, as Mr. Richardson entered the room. Are you better my dear, I know, i know that you have a hundred questions of why. You see I'm a old man rich man, and I have no one to carry on my legacy for me. At first I wanted to used for me, but I have a rare type that this technology will not work with, so why not find a young beautiful girl with the brains that could take my fortune and grow it.
    But the girls I found where beautiful but they don't much in the way of intelligence. They want to marry for my money and nothing else.
    So I deiced to find a young man to in view. So I found the right person, you my dear. I knew that If I told you what I was planning you wouldn't want to do it. So I did it without your permission. So I will give you a week to decided what to do. Matthew thought about it. thou he did planned on coming a woman, that was for sure, but he err she looked on with it as new change for something better than what happen to him and she mean that become a girl. I will marry to a rich man, worth millions and millions, hundreds of properties and dozens of businesses. Then a several moths later Matthew now Natasha Lynn White was getting married to Martin Richardson, she needs a little to prepared. Herself to be a girl, thou she didn't say a word but smile. The priest knew it was a yes.
