Sunday, 2 February 2025

Its not so bad being her Part 2 requested by Anonymous 01.02.25

Old Albert lying on his bed fitting the aftershocks of the end of orgasmic plenty of sessions in the shower.

Thinking back over the past 7 years.

7 years of so much luxury joy and pleasure.

Seven years of so much sex and orgasms.

Seven years of pretending to be a mother and raising a child.

He did his body had changed to him in some ways but he did not know how much.

Her mind and his mind had become one.

They had created a new person inside her body.

He felt more attached to this body and this life than any other body or life he had lived in the previous hundreds of years.

Something about this body told him that this was his for everybody.

This would be the last body he took over and the last life he lived.

He finally felt it was time to retire settle down and live out the rest of his existence as a Middle East horny single mom.


  1. Nerd begins a affair with his best friend 's mom nota knwing she is indeed a perv shapeshifter impostor.

    1. If only he knew he would not be so happy requested by Anonymous 28.02.25
