Friday 12 May 2023

Learning your place.

Astria stood in front of the slave girl who was straddling the wooden horse.

With gleeful pleasure in her eyes to see the man who had slaughtered her family taken her land and forced her like so many women into a life of degradation suffering so much.

She said to him.

You thought you were untouchable.

You thought you were safe & protected by your guards.

You never expected a slave girl you dragged into your bedchamber and had your wicked way with would be able to do something like this to you.

Well my lord you are now the slave girl and she is you.

After being taught your place we will send you off to the training camps where you will learn how to serve men in every possible way and if you're really lucky you may be sent to the birthing  farms where you will produce the next line of soldiers or slaves.

Through gritted teeth Lord Downy screened out you will never get away with this somebody will notice I am not me.

There is no way a slave girl can be me!

A hardened warrior & a leader of men.

Astria shouted back keep on saying stuff like that and we will have to take your tongue to teach you a lesson in not speaking back to your betters.

You are a slave girl and you will learn to be one even if we have to beat it into you my lord.


  1. could you please create caption where i am margot robbie pic here

  2. could you please create caption where Alexandra daddario choose me and transform me into herself and show me how i care about woman body vagina and boobs pic here

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  3. Can you do a caption about a guy who starts a restaurant, but he doesn't want to pay employees so he transforms his dad and brother into sexy waitresses?

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  4. Astria stood there at his newest acquirements a young woman barely a woman, he was puzzled of what this thrall is smiling, was the potion that dull her mind still there. Or was her broke, But she looking him, with a peace of mind. Astria always checked the new thralls, it never bothered him, but why does this woman who stall naked and bound Infront of me.
    So the great Astria we finely met, she said. Do I you, girl, he said. NO, I doubt you would know me, you stolen my lands, captured my tribe, killed my family, she said. And I should know you. He said. I guess not, she said. So , I'm here a correct what you have done. She said. What your going to stop, you a girl will stop me. Yes, a girl, she said. Then the girl spoke a several strange words, Then lights and mist appeared, as the lights and mist disappeared. When Astria gain his senses, he could believe it, Astria was himself standing there. What kind of trickery his this he said. But the voice sounded feminine in masculine tones.
    Oh dear the great Astria can't figure out that, you aren't you, anymore my dear what you called me a thrall, oh yes that is the word you used on me. So my thrall you will be my pleasure servant, if not I will break you. I will not, be your pleasure servant or anyone, the former Astria said. You have no choice in the matter. I am lord here, that now Lord Astria Dowmy, if you doing wish to be mine, you in the pleasant tents to serve my men, or be a one of the breeders me add to my tribe (breeder, a person or persons births child). As the Astria commander the master pain and pleasure. He was instructed to bend her, not break her she will a new addition to tents either way. As the new Astria watch as the master was a expert. Of break a woman's spirt. As the former Astria was trained to be a proper pleasure servant. Maybe I will give her my seeds so bear new life, how fitting the former Astria a simple girl now. She will not break easy or simply. But she will be. (Note the term of Thralls has several means one of the Norse a person is in bondage or serfdom)
