Monday 8 May 2023

I like girls not boys!

Anthony trapped in his step daughters body after he masturbated to the thought of her was doing his best.

He had dressed acted and taught the way she had taught him to.

The only thing that made being trapped in his daughters body tolerable was the warm fuzzy feeling he got every time he was around her best friend Emma.

He did not know what this feeling was until he was at a bar that was doing an FOSE night. 

He felt that strange fuzzy feeling again when a woman set next to him and offered to buy him a drink.

That's when he discovered his daughter was a lesbian.


  1. Anthony was now a girl. He was trapped into a girls body. After had to sexually masturbated, In that moment. he wasn't himself anymore, he was a he, he was a she, actually he was now in his daughters body, he had that strange feeling , that sense it felt okay, normal for him to be a her, a she, a girl. But it shouldn't be this way. He never considered being a girl, never mind to dress as one. Did think about it. once or twice probably but, he thought, all guys probably too.
    So now he has to pretend that he is her now. Until thing could be figured out. He/she had to go out with his daughter girlfriend Emma, for a night out. So Anthnoy daughter help him/her out to help him/her dress for the evening. Anthony trying on his/her dress from the even, when he/she looked at his/herself in the mirror. He/she could believe what he/she had on. Thou he/she like it, but to wear it in public, that was the problem, or it was the problem. To see it or admitter it is one thing, to wear it and be gawk at is another thing. But he/she convinced that where going it was okay to wear it.
    As Anthnoy as his daughter, couldn't have that strange twinge, that feeling in his/her stomach. Was he/she excited with his/her daughters friend Emma, stop that now, your old enough to be her father, and your a girl, and her friend now. SO behave yourself now.
    But after two or three or was it five drinks later. He/she felt a bit claimer, a bit loose. a bit horny now. Anthnoy knew that these drinks wouldn't do anything, but Anthnoy wasn't himself , he was a girl, he/she should know that his/her daughter was that much of a hard drinker, like him did originally. He/she was this woman, next to them, and she interesting in him as his daughter. For some reason, he/she couldn't help when that woman, kissed him/her on the lips. He/she could help that feeling that warm sensation feeling that he/she enjoy it, he/she kissed that woman back. When both of us made out in a stall in the ladies room. My daughter friends, smiled at me. And said you got luck girlfriend. You knew I said. She that you shouldn't drink those drink so soon. Of course, I knew that you like girls now. But are we you know what. I said. NO, we're not, friend and girlfriend. we kiss a bit but were never like that she. Thank goodness. I said. I'm a girl, that like girl. I never knew that she/ I was a lesbian now. Am I girl now. How do I adjust to it now.
