Tuesday 3 May 2022

This has definitely not gone right: requested by Jessica

Jeison had only been on the force for a couple of months before he was assigned to the body morphing unit.

After 6 weeks of training he was assigned to a unit that going after the biggest criminal organisation in Madrid.

He was to be transformed into a beautiful young woman.

He would be placed in the employment as a prostitute in one of the brothels run by organisation.

His mission was to gather intel & plant bugs and simply report on the comings and goings.

At first he found it hard being a prostitute.

It wasn't just the physical side of being a woman and having to submit to a man it was also the psychological aspect of it.

He made sure no client at any fault with him and his bosses were happy with his takings.

After 7-weeks undercover he was supposed to meet one of his handlers.

But they never turned up.

He used the emergency contact details he was given of the unit he was assigned to.

But the number was disconnected.

Not knowing what to do next he just continue with the mission.

4 days later he found out to his horror his whole entire unit and the special laboratory had been destroyed in a hit.

All records of the missions that were underway had been destroyed in the fireball that took down the facility.

He contacting the regular police and explained his badge number and who he was.

But there was no record of him ever being a police officer assigned to that unit.

He had no choice but to return to the brothel and continue his new life as just a simple prostitute making money for his boss.

Until he could find evidence to prove who he was and what his unit was up to.


  1. It's been a year, since a body stealer took Timothy's mom body and vanished.



    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  2. Request: A old Man transfers his mind into his milf fit neighbor.



    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

