Tuesday 2 July 2024

Just to be a woman.

Some people when they are aware of themselves no straightaway that they are the wrong gender.

They want to dress and talk differently to the way they look.

In the old days, people went through therapy and reassignment surgery to look like what they felt they should be.

Now with the new body-swapping technology you could become what you always wanted to be if you could afford it.

For those who were unable to afford it, there was always the old-fashioned method of going under the knife or a more risky legal body swap.

The only problem with the illegal body swap was that your new body and old identity could not be merged.

You had to become the person you had smart with.

You had to take on their life job education and family.

That was how 32-year-old night shell stacker Martin agreed to any terms 25-year-old prostitute Rebecca had to make the swap go ahead.

Rebecca's body was younger healthier and a lot more desirable than his.

She had only agreed to swap with him because she wanted out of the life she had gotten herself into.

She was only saying herself on the street to pay off a massive debt which she never thought she would.

Martin taking on her body was also taking on her debt and the responsibility of paying it back.

He knew it was going to be a lot of hard work and thankless nights on his back or his knees working off her debt but her body was worth it.

So whilst he's standing on the street corner waiting for some guy to ask him how much.

She  was now doing his job stacking shelves and attending night college to further her education and get herself a better future

1 comment:

  1. You ever wonder that if you were born in the wrong body, the wrong sex or gender. In the olden day of hormone therapy, psychology therapy, and living as that gender for several years and finally the sex change surgery. But with a sudden influx of new technology in many , many fields. one technology genetic exchange and body swapping machine is more used in the more illegal part for the ones who wished to exchange their lives to another or gender mostly gender switching Martin was one of those person that is transgender person that shoulder been a girl. Martin was smart and intelligence and go to college. But there was that problem, that Martin is a girl in mind, spirt but not body. There3 was this young 25 -something girl who landed hard time so she to go into prostitution. Ands clear the debit so within a few years, she started clear up her debit within a short time. But she is so good that it, she would of been doing it for many, many years longer. So She wanted get out of being a prostituted before it to later. So when Rebecca hear that Martin wanted to be a girl for real, so found away out. So Martin jumped at the chance , and Rebecca would escape her life. So when within a few days they were strapped within the transformants machine, and a few days later martin was now within Rebacca's body and Martin body was now Rebecca's now some of his memories and behaviors was hers now. And Rebacca's memories and behaviors was now intertwine to Martin's new body. So Martin/Rebacca's now was now doing her career as a prostituted, Strangely he/she seem to take to job as a girl and prostituted and she was take to it to fish to water. And Rebecca/Martin was working part time and going college . she/he seem to be at ease at new life he was doing. A few years later the new Martin and the new Rebecca met again , what happens is another story.
