Wednesday 3 July 2024

But how do you Tell your father.

I became a woman in the great shift.

When I returned home I found the person inside my body had claimed my identity.

I felt like fighting it but then I discovered the body I was in was quite wealthy.

I decided to claim her identity and become her.

I tried to live without my family but it was hard.

I missed my father who I had a great bond with.

I knew where he hung out and what he was into.

I sort of became his stalker.

I desperately wanted to meet him tell him who I was and start our lives over again.

But it had been a year since the great shift and I knew it would be difficult.

One day I did the stupid thing and didn't decide to just want to him.

We apologised and from that day we bumped into each of several times.

We started going for coffee and chatting.

He told me it was like he had known me all my life.

He told me that he never thought he would find another soulmate like his departed wife my mother.

Things started getting heavy when he asked me out on a date.

By this point, my new female body had grown quite a trap to him.

I said to myself I could stop at any time.

It would not be difficult.

So I foolishly went on a date with him.

Three dates later we had our first kiss.

Five dates later my knickers were off my ankles were behind my ears and I was moving as my father made love to me.

I told myself after that night we would break it off and never see each of again.

But it was not as easy as I fought it would be to do so.

We started seriously dating them before long we were boyfriend and girlfriend.

One year after the first meeting he got down on one knee and proposed to me.

Of course, I said yes.

Six months after that I was in wearing a white wedding dress walking down the aisle with this girl's father.

I stood next to my father in front of the priest and got married.

I wanted to tell him who I was before our honeymoon.

But the time did not feel right.

I wanted to tell him who I was before we moved in together and I became the stepmother to the person who knew my body.

But the time did not feel right.

I knew by this point the time would never be right to tell him especially after I discovered I was pregnant.

I decided to keep that part of myself a secret.

I decided to be the best wife and mother I could ever be.

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