Sunday 30 June 2024

My new life requested by Anonymous 30.06.24

Divorced single mother Rebecca thought she was better than anybody else especially people less fortunate than herself.

She was always nasty and rude to people on the street.

She was always nasty and rude to people of other cultures.

She was a very disagreeable woman.

Her teenage son only overhand was a kind sweet and peace-loving person which drove her mad.

He would always help the unfortunate.

He would always give something to the hobos.

He would always stay behind at school to help his classmates improve their grades.

One day after going shopping with him she was rude and nasty after her son gave somebody to a homeless man who was begging on the streets.

She hit her son and told him never to do that again.

She told him people like that do not deserve kindness.

She told him people like that choose to live on the street.

The next day she would discover to her horror and dismay her world would be turned upside down.

Her son wittingly had found one of the lost and famous wishing coins.

Which were extremely valuable and extremely sought after.

The homeless man recognizing it sitting in his cup picked it up and closed his eyes.

A voice inside his head whispered you get two wishes and two wishes that's all.

He wished to swap lives bodies and realities with the rude woman who had just berated her son in front of him.

He wished that she would experience what it was like to live her life with the knowledge of who she used to be and why this had happened to her inside her head but was unable to speak it aloud.

The next day there comfortable middle-again woman sleeping in a warm bed with her wet pussy between his legs and two bouncing breasts on his chest.

While she woke up in a cardboard box smelling of piss in the body of a middle ages man.

The first thing he did was pull off her pyjama bottoms and spread her flaps wide in front of the mirror at the end of her bed.

He said in his new sweet female voice it is a long time since I've seen one of them.

"I love this chick's pussy"

He was now a rich middle-aged single mother with a devoted son who had a heart of gold.

He became a better mother and friend to her son than she had ever been.

Her son could not help but not in the personality and physical changes that occurred to her.

She stopped dressing like a spoiled brat.

She stopped drinking smoking and partying all hours.

She started doing charity work and helping the less fortunate.

She became a model citizen overnight.

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