Monday 1 July 2024

You're not respecting my body.

Alan had stuck to her boring healthy diet ever since he found himself in her body and she returned home in the body of a fat man.

But he just could not take it anymore.

He wanted something on the healthy

Something greasy

Something bad for you

So he ordered himself a Chinese.

Just as he was halfway through shuffling it down she Returned.

She stood there in her fat overweight male body and glared at him.

She said what do you think you are doing to my body.

Do you know how many calories are in that?

Do you know how much sodium there is in that?

Do you know how much fat and sugar is out in that?

Alan just slurped another noodle making her cringe.

She put her hands on her large belly and said you're going to turn my body into this before bursting into tears.


  1. Evil Wizard steals the Queen body.

  2. Darn, she looks familiar.
