Tuesday 21 November 2023

Teacup surprise.

Looking at the maid in her little outfit bringing in the teacups you would never expect that she used to be a 75 year old man.

He disinherited his daughter for marrying outside her class.

So she decided to get her own bag by hiring a witch to turn him into  a woman from the same class as her girlfriend.

Now he works for both of them as their little maid.

They could not see from where they were sitting that he had brought a little something extra with their afternoon tea cups.

He was going to force them to turn him back into himself.

Little did he know the spell stopped him from hurting them and made him completely obedient.

So as he picked up the gun and pointed it at them he found his body no longer under his own control.

He stood there like a mannequin waiting for there commands.

His daughter looked at him and said you are a naughty girl.

For trying to kill us you will now go and seduce the butler and do anything he wants for the next 48 hours.

When you are completely exhausted from your ordeal you will have your control back.

He tried to fight against it but he could not.

His  body followed their commands and did exactly what they said.

He found himself walking up to the Butler and dropping to his knees in front of him and saying use me anyway you like.

48 hours later he got control back.

He felt humiliated and sick to his stomach as he remembered all the things the butler had done to him.

He said to himself as he gathered up his uniform and left the room naked I will have to be more careful next time.


  1. Could you make a story about a perv shapeshifter? He waits his neighbors going out in a vacation, to morph into the family's mom body. So uses her body to make naughty things in her home.



  2. He born into privileged class. He was about 75 -years old. He hated the fact that his daughter married below her social class. So she was disinherited, from the family . But there certain thing that he couldn't ignore her being there. He was pleasant enough by the way. He said it. It like insult. So she decided, teach him a lesson, by turned him into something he hated the most a servant , and a girl, a young woman actually. And maid too. She made him into serve them , like a proper maid . She was polite and respectful to them. But within behind that respect is that arrogance and hate that he is servant and a maid to his daughter. When she order him to do. Things that was beneath his social class. Then about a day or so. The butler saw the newly transformed. He order him to a bedchamber. And he order him to knee to him to his crotch and . Order him/her to him a BJ, at first he hated it. But he unzipped the butlers pants . And pulled his penis and sucked like at tart. He hated the he sucking it. The worst of it . He/she was starting to like it. The thou he /she was only a girl for time. But he/she still hates the fact the he/she still a common person a servant. Will his daughter changed him back. Will he learn his lesson. And why was he like that that is another story.
