Sunday, 9 February 2025

What just happened? part 2 requesting by Shadow 09.02.25

After having fun and messing around for a couple of days he decided it was time to see who else he could be.

He used the return button on the ray gun to turn himself back into himself. 

He headed off to his mate Mike's home. 

He knew Mike would not be at home.

It was Mike's mum he was interested in. 

He knocked on the door.

A few seconds later she opened the door and told him that Mike was out.

He asked if he could come in and wait for him. 

She let him in and offered him a drink. 

When her back was turned to him he pointed the ray gun at her and fired. 

She turned into a flesh suit.

He slipped it on easily. 

It felt incredible inside her skin. 

He squeezed the breasts that were now on his chest that he had lusted after for so many years. 

He put his hands down her panties and stroked the wet pussy.

He took himself off to her bedroom where he stripped off slowly in front of the mirror enjoying every second of it. 

He spent that afternoon playing with himself. 

Her body had a sexual appetite he had never imagined her having. 

After some fumbling and messing about he managed to make her come and orgasm. 

He had only intended on spending a couple of hours in her body but now he wanted to try more & experience more and stay in her body longer.

Sticky and stinking of sex he quickly got dressed when he heard his best friend her son call I AM HOME MUM. 

He knew he was going to have to pretend to be a mother to him. 


  1. Ooh love it. Can there be more parts like after staying a few weeks as her living her life and experiencing sex I decide on doing another longer stay and turn my curvy Spanish landlord into a skinsuit wearing her loving my thick accent soon gaining her memories after about a few weeks
