Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Rhodry.

Transformation tea

Rhodry23/12/2024, 17:10

The Transformation Team did more than transform his body, physically, but his mind and his sexuality. He felt more comfortable as a girl, and he had sexual hunger, which he had never had before like this. Went to put on the dress, lingerie, and heels, it felt so natural like he had done this before, my friend's partner was looking at me, he couldn't believe it a few hours ago, I was a guy, but it was true, I didn't believe it to either until I looking at myself in the mirror, he kept looking at me, and what worse that he had a hard-on that wouldn't quit. After a few minutes, he suggested that we go to a cheap motel. I don't know why I agreed to it. Maybe it was the hormones in my now feminine body or that I wanted to know why girls act as they did. So we entered the motel room. The moment we close the door. He undressed himself, and he slowly undressed me, he removed my dress, my heels, and my lingerie, And he placed me on the bed, then he straddled above me, and then he slowly placed his male organ into my now. Female organ, when it was over, I screamed several times, not in pain but in pleasure, now I get it, I know now why girls scream with pleasure, the orgasms. Right now, I get it, I really do now. I have to remember how long the special transformation tea or how long it lasts, I'm in no hurry to go back at the moment.

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