Tuesday 21 November 2023

Be better than the person who used to inhabit this body was.

Anthony had travelled to hundreds of miles to visit this wishing well.

He had heard that it could do miraculous things.

He hoped it could get him out of his wheelchair.

He dropped a coin into the wishing well and made the wish that he could walk again.

He felt a strange energy pulsating through his body and the next he knew he was sitting on the rough ground back against the wall with a cool breeze between his legs.

A voice from the will told him it had granted his wish in the only way it could.

It had took him out of his time and put him in an alternative version of himself.

Memories of growing up as a girl, memories of going to a school for girls, memories of his first boyfriend and first time having sex, memories of finding the right man getting engaged and getting married flooded his mind overwhelming him.

He saw a tall handsome man ran up and said Andrea we've been looking for you.

He knew instinctively this handsome man was his husband.

He let the man help him to his feet.

As he passed The Wishing Well the voice said do good in the body I have given you.

Love be loved and have plenty of children.

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