It wasn't until weeks after the great shift that 55-year-old Anthony and his 22-year-old son were finally reunited & back home.
It was only then that they both noticed that they had a lot in common now.
They were both women.
They were both young.
They were both heavily pregnant.
They both did not know what they were doing.
Over the next couple of months, they learned how to be women how to give birth and how to be mothers whilst also becoming sisters & sometimes a little bit more when they got lonely and a little bit depressed because of there situation.
A teenager discovers his mom was taken over by a perv old ghost. He makes a deal with this perv, he could enjoy and be his mom. But he cant make any orgy or have sex with anyone. Just stay home and pretend being the mom. They agreed
Making a deal requested by Anonymous 03.03.25