Wednesday 22 November 2023

Having the last laugh!

55-year-old oligarch Alan was not a good husband.

He treated his wife Melanie like a servant and made her scrimp and save on everything despite the fact that he had plenty of money.

His son Michael 19 years old was not much better and treated her the same.

When she pulled up the courage to ask him for a divorce he said no laughing at her.

She was not going to take that and decided she was going to take drastic measures.

She hired a witch doctor to turn her husband and son into two teenage girls.

When they came to after the spell had worn off they found  themselves teenage girls in a dormitory surrounded by other teenage girls.

They were terrified and frightened and did not know what was going on until the voice in their head told them.

Your names are Stephanie and Rebecca you are sisters your parents died in a fire and you are now orphans.

Don't try and contact Melanie or tell anybody who you really are.

They would just consider you too mentally unstable and send you somewhere far worse than this place.

Enjoy your life of poverty misery and unhappiness.

The two looked at each other as they copied what the other girls did.

They got their chamber pots from underneath their bed and headed towards the only bathroom at the end of the hall.

A nasty looking woman was standing there telling them to hurry up time is money and they had to get to work.

They were now trapped working in a terrible factory making cheap knockoff products for just room and board and nothing else.

Which came as a terrible shock to them as that they had been used to living the high life the good life and the easy life.


  1. Nice story loved it,
    You can create part 2 of it as both of them fell in trap of prostitutions and get sold off as slave to Rich guy who treat both of them as they used to treat Melanie. Getting fucked like dog they understand their mistake but they now know that's this is their fate to be a slave of that guy and his sons. Father and son completely becomes submissive slaves and gets impregnated. Rich impregnate Micheal while rich guys son impregnate alan One day Melanie visits that mansion for some business thing is she knew both of them are there so purposefully checks on them looking at both being pregnant she laugh and ask them do you understand how it feels? To which both of them grabs her feet to save them from this but she refuses and leaves
