Thursday 23 November 2023

It's always the boys who want to stay as girls.

When 17 year old Michael had signed up for the cultural exchange he did not merely understand what he was getting into.

He knew they would send him to live with a family in Japan as that was the language he was studying.

What he did not know is to make his cultural exchange more interactive they would place his consciousness in the body of a Japanese person who was learning English and their consciousness in the his body.

Usually they try to pair males with males and females with females.

But he and Suki were the odd numbers out this year around and they were paired together.

She was looking forward to spending two years in a mail-body in America learning English and finding out what it was like to be man as she felt struggle holding by her gender and her culture.

He was not feeling the same way about spending two years as a teenage girl with all the biological fingers that came with that gender

But now coming to the end of his time in Japan he was thinking he was going to miss her body.

He had learned a lot in his time here.

He had experienced quite a lot.

He had learned the language fluently.

He had to learn how to use it as a man and as a woman.

As there was gender differences in their culture and way of speaking and acting.

He did not what to be talking like a woman when he was back as a man.

He had had several boyfriends and girlfriends and had wonderful sex as a woman.

Deep down inside himself he did not want to go back to his body or his  country.

He fought about running away and hiding.

But he knew that would be no good as all swap bodies are fitted with tracking devices.

His only hope that she would not want to swap back either.

He sat at his desk trying to put his feelings and emotions down in words for Suki to read when she got his email.


Dear Suki.

I hope you are well and you are enjoying my body and your time in the United States.

I know this might sound strange and come as a bit of a shock to you.

But I do not want to give your body back.

I love being a woman.

I love your family.

I love living in Hokkaido Japan.

I know in two weeks time we have to swap back.

I am just hoping that you feel the same way I do about my body as I do about yours.

If you do and you agree to it we can swap forever.

Please let me know as soon as possible.

Michael T Green.


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