Friday 24 November 2023

What have they done to me!

17 year old Scott used to be a happy homosexual man with a good boyfriend and a happy life despite still living at home.

That was until his mother and father who were very priggish decided that he needed to change.

They signed him up for a transformation retreat.

Two men in a white van picked him up as he left his house.

The next thing he knew he was bound and gagged in the back of the van being driven off to God knows where.

When they finally got to their destination he found out what his parents had done to him.

He could not believe they were having him transformed into a woman.

Apparently as far as they saw it if he was going to be sleeping with many he might as well be a woman and give them grandchildren.

As he was under 21 his parents had the right and the authority to do so.


  1. Scott was a 17-year boy, and he was happy being gay, a homosexual male. And he was still living with his parents at home. The problem was by his view and standard. That his mother and father very piggish. And they thought that he need to change if not his sexually preferences that his interest in men couldn't change, that some other changes are be made.
    So Scott's parents decided to sign him up for transformation retreat. So a few weeks later Scott's parent told him that they send to a special summer retreat. But unknown to Scott . It was place to modify Scott. To a more proper person. Scott didn't how long he was out. But when was fully awake. He felt strange and odd. Nothing about himself felt right. When he saw himself in the bathroom mirror. He saw himself , but it wasn't the same has he seen that face of that body. Scott looked like a girl, he sounded like one too. When check out his body it looked and felt all female which, he never touched a female body, than what he felt today.
    When he started to realized it. He scream. When he screamed again. Some people in medical uniforms entered his/her room. He/she asked, demanded, what happened to him/her and why it was done to him. A doctor with them, said your parents couldn't convince to you. And they wanted to have grandchildren someday so, you might be a woman so you can bear children with men so day.
    Part Scott didn't like the idea what happen to him/her. But what this feel about that got him/her excited that he/she still like men. But like this, he like being gay. But now that thought her being gay was a bit unnerving. She had these thought started flood her mind, That part of Scott, wanted to be himself. But Sarah where did that name come into his err her head. It was like Scott and Sarah was the same person but change physically and biology and well mentally and emotionally as well as personal. It seem that each time Scott slept a part him was gone, But Sarah memories was replaced with new memories of a girl. After several weeks nothing of Scott was there. But Sarah was all girl, 100 percent a girl. When she returned home. Her room was changed into a girl room. With girls clothes AND shoes, and lingerie. When but sometime that Sarah had those strange of being a boy and loving boys. That disturbed her. at times. she wondered that what would she was thinking like that. She was allowed to date a little. But no sex until 21-years old until she is adult. She can't wait until she get pregnant. A few more years. I can start to serious date , and maybe get married and get pregnant. Scott gone and Sarah is more real . Other than bits and piece of memories of Sarah being a guy. Or was it a dream that Sarah thought was once a guy. That is a girl all her life. That is another story.
