Monday 20 November 2023

In my son's girlfriend's body Part 1 Requested by Ajanbahu

In the small town of Happy N.U.S.A lives Retired Marine Corps sergeant Mr. A T Smith.

A bitter and twisted veteran of World War II and World War III.

He was a firm believer in white supremacy.

He was a firm believer that interracial marriage  was a sinner against God.

He had brought his son up in the same ideal.

So he was surprised repulsed and horrified when his son Max turned up on his doorstep for Thanksgiving with his new girlfriend Brittany a rather attractive black woman.

Unable to accept this Mr. Smith turned them away from his home and told his son as he deserve haven't I raised you better than that.

Max and Brittany went off to a local Motel where they booked in for the night.

That night as Mr. Smith drowned his sorrows with cheap whiskey as he watched the wrestling a mysterious occurrence transpired.

He found himself lying underneath the sheets of a uncomfortable bed.

He no longer felt like he was intoxicated.

He felt incredible and wonderful.

He was hot and wet in places he did not know he could be.

It was only when he pulled back the sheets and saw the black female body that he really started to freak out.

A little voice inside his head told him that  he would stay like this until he had mended his ways.

He would walk a mile in her shoes and learn what it meant to be a black female in the New America.

He tried to scream out but no words would come out.

He passed out.

When he came to in the morning he hoped it was a dream.

But there was a large masculine hand hugging one of his tits and there was something hard warm and rigid pushing against his firms soft buttocks.

He slowly extricated himself from the man and climbed out of bed.

He looked back at the bed and got the shock of his life.

It was his son lying there.

He realized that meant he was now inside Brittany's body.

His movement woke his son.

His son looked up at him with loving eyes and said you were incredible last night.

His son pulled back the bed sheets revealing his naked body and his big hard on.

His son said to him to you fancy helping me with this?

He's stood there looking at his son's cock amazed by the size of it and how it was making him feel.

He felt the female body he was in getting sexually aroused by the view of it.

A female voice inside his head was telling him  you have no choice but to climb back into bed spread your legs and enjoy your new Womanhood.

He did his best to ignore it but it was more and more painful with every passing second he did not do what it was telling him to do.

Just as he was going to give into the voice inside his head that was hurting him to give this body want it so desperately wanted.

His son's phone on the bedside table starting to ring.

His son answered it and he knew there was something wrong straight away by the look on his face.

His son dropped the phone and looked at him and said you get dressed we've got to my dad's!

Without thinking he went straight over to her suitcase where he pulled out a bra panties tight jeans and top.

He headed off into the bathroom to squeeze himself into the clothes.

He found himself jumping up and down in front of the mirror trying to get her plump ass into the jeans as quickly as possible as he wanted to know what was going on with his own body.


  1. Request: A serial killer torments a boy's life using his costume gun to take his beautiful friend's mom, his teacher and his milf mom.

  2. Loved it but can you give me my credit
    This request was from ajanbahu please do mention it.
    I loved the way you narrated there plot 🤩.
    Please use lots of gifs like after each paragraph or which helps visualize the situation
