Saturday 24 August 2024

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Anonymous By Rhodry: 24.08.24

Straight between the touchdown posts.

By Rhodry.

17-year-old Daniel was one of the rising football quarterbacks, but fate or karma had other ideas. When a strange virus hit him, luck wasn't for him, this various type of virus was called a Bimbo Virus. So when it hit Daniel, not only change him, into a girl, both physically and biologically, but menial, Daniel's social behaviour, NOW known as Daphne, was now still part of the team, but in a different aspect she was a cheerleader and to help the football player to easy off, win or lose. After the game, finished her cheerleading duty, she served several of the football players. She does, her duties well, but there is a hilt of remissness, in her eyes, that she still remembers, those days, but her need overrides those memories. So she doing it. She hopes that she gets satisfied, but doesn't count on it.

Striking a deal.

By Anonymous

If you ask Jason privately he likes the idea of becoming a woman. He just didn't know or understand the reason or the why, Jason always wanted to be one, He that the sex change to basic and you have to jump through hoops, that there is no insurant that you'll be one, and he believed that it never developed into a better system, like gene therapy, or devices can do it, but finding those devices, ways correct your gender, but Jason found a WAY TO CHANGE Sex, well gender, actually it more of body swap device, to switch you to her, and vice-verse her to him. So Jason decided to spend the whole week a girl, the first thing was to keep away from slacks, pants or jeans, it all skirts and dresses and heels, to wear makeup, to simply look pretty, Jason had everything the top, he/she choice, the skirt he/she choice, a pair nylons on his/her legs, a pair heels, his/her purse, his/her makeup ID, But, he/she forgot some cash, he/she could kick his/her self, that he/she forgot a simply thing, then he/she realized that he/she had several cards on her. When he/she decided to play a pretty dumb girl, if it could work, He/she would use it as a last resort. Maybe he/she find a cute guy, to play with. But that is another story.


I don't want to be her.

By Anonymous.

Sandra and Scott were brother and Sister, they were twins, not identical, but fraternal, and they looked a lot alike some they still do, well they can be mistaken for each other. Even now, where does this is going, Sandra got married, she thought it was a good marriage, but after a few years of it something was missing, she didn't know what but she couldn't stay married to him, she couldn't leave, but she didn't have the skills or knowledge to do it, quickly, but she had other skills and talents that were consisted, magical, but to convince her brother to switch with her or turn him into a twin sister. But she had the time to do anything complex, then to switch bodies with him, well he was going to be thousands of miles away, so she decided to take his place, and be Scott in the service because, doing something secret until he comes back, Sandra could do what he could for that time, besides when he wakes up I will be far to later, so Sandra, spoke the spells, drank the potions. when everything was none, she put her tools of magic in their places, when to bed, she says that I hope you, adjust to your role Sandra to herself. Morning came Scott, felt there was another person in bed with him, but that was impossible, he thought, when he opened his eyes and tried to speak, he sounded all different all wrong his body felt wrong when he got out of bed, he saw his sister's husband sleeping there soundly, then he found a full-length mirror, then he realized it, he spoke not too loudly, he slips to the bathroom. Oh, no, no, no she actually did it he said to himself. Scott knew that she had problems with her marriage, but this, this is extreme, even for her to make a new life, so she took herself, then I looked at a clock, then I thought if I convince her to work it out I may get life back, but when I realized the time, damn it, it's too late an hour too late. Even thou I could get hold of Sandra/Scott, many days or weeks later I'll be out sink of my mission. Now I'll be stuck with her, probably for good. He did like it when he was switched or changed into a girl, he liked being a guy, he liked doing things as one, and he hated the fact that he was partly spent as a girl because she wanted a sister even for a while, He even like Sandra's, thou he can be hard but loving to do he never did anything bad, he like it a certain way. Which Sandra and him often you know two equal strong will, and no compromise. So now I'm her, I'm Sandra, I'm the sister, and she is me, I hope I can figure things out now. This is going to be confusing, what happened, next will Scott adjust to being Sandra, will her husband know the difference, and what about Sandra/Scott that is another story.

The Wizards Guild.

By Anonymous.

Jeremey was once a journalist, a good one, he was on the lead that made him another Walter Cronkite, it was this Gentlemen Club those places where if you don't have a membership you couldn't get into the lobby if your luck, the problem he didn't know anybody to help him to get in, he was told to get it, there people who were better than him and failed. But Jeremy was more deterred to do it. So by chance, luck or fate. He got lucky or they didn't think I would dare. So he looked for a place, a file room, or a computer room. no computer room. but there was a file room, if they had one it was hidden but the file would do old he had to do it old room, look through the files, but where to start, but before started he swears that he saw a shadowed figure with glowing eyes, then everything when dark. When his eyes cleared he was standing there naked as the day he was born, but that was the problem, he was a naked busty, blonde woman, that looked like a college student or secretary. He told me to come I followed I didn't know what I did. To a room, a large bedroom. A woman who looks both young and old at the same time. He told her to get ready, She said, I understand, so get to bed you have a lot to do in the morning. She said. I wait. Who, who you. I, I am Rachael, well that I know. You do you know who you are, I said of course I'm Jeremy. Well, you can forget that you are nothing but a servant. He'll probably give a name. Why do you leave this place, I said. Leave this place I can't remember the last time, I left his service, or that if not here, I'm at the club, If you're lucky you might be asked, or traded to another member. Then she said good night, you had duties in the morning. I wanted to explore this place, but I couldn't I was tied and slept. When I woke up, I was greeted by Rachael, she had lingerie, and maid outfit and heels, and she told me to get dressed. Your duties, are to cook, clean, and service the members of the club. I said service what kind of service, I said, you'll discover it soon, my first job was to clean the bathroom, she said. I wonder why clearing the bathroom, was so a hateful duty. I admit that it wasn't the best of jobs, but someone had to do it, I guess I'm the low one on the totem pole. When I entered the men's bathroom, I discovered to clean out the toilet the urinals the sinks make them clean. So I several barely 15 or 20 minutes clear which I was glad to be nearly finished, but a member. decided to go. But when was ready to leave. He asked me if I was new, and I said yes, I am. He told me to kneel in front of him, I didn't know why which I did, and then he pulled his male member out of his pants, and I stared at it for a moment. Then he said to suck it, I pause for a moment. Then I rap my lips on it and suck I must suck it for several minutes until I felt than gooey jism that going to my stomach, and I couldn't resist it. After I was done, he zipped his pants. When I was done, he said I did a good job, what is your name, I answered, Jeremey I said. No, your girl's name, I have done I answered, well I'll call you Jennifer, Jenny for short if you are good, maybe you'll be pushed up more a maid. As he left I wondered what he meant. As I left, the bathroom to what other duties, to do, I a strange figure I knew who he was, I'd know how but I didn't, he said if you do a good job, you might find some benefit, and then some Jenny, he said. Then I told them to clean the other bathroom, what to Jeremy/Jennifer in a few days, a week or a month, who is the Master that is another story.

It's too hot to be covered up.

By Anonymous.

Then one day, one of his buddies saw Colin's mom leave in her car so he went into the backyard where Colin was hanging out topless. One thing led to another and soon the friend was stroking and sucking Coleen's breasts to the point where she was panting. So the friend slid his hands further south into Coleen's panties and played with her pussy like it had never been played with before! Coleen pleaded for more so the friend unzipped his pants and they began to fuck like a couple of rabbits.

Do what you like I'll never deny who I am.

By Rhodry.

Antony was 17 years old and he was homosexual, he wasn't ashamed of it, He didn't broadcast it either too. He wanted to be himself, what was wrong with that, but his parents thought it was a phase, a simple thing that would grow out, like a lot of silly things, but he was still like this since he was about 12 or 13 years old. His parents wanted him to be a regular guy. So now they sent him to a special facility to help Anthony with his condition. They examine him physically and mentally, even psychologically. They could not find anything for his condition, so they thought that deep down in his mental history, he thought that it was okay, for him to like boys, in a sexual way, so if girls like boys like that, that I'm a special type of girl, that will develop into a girl, boys and girls both are like the same he thought, that his thingy was oversized clitoris, but it when he was about 12 or 13 his thingy wasn't going back inside his body or that, he isn't developing into a girl. like the others. So Anthony convinced himself that he was gay. So what do the physicians conclude about his condition? But Anothony would not be part of their analysis of it, so they started Anothony's reconfiguration into a proper person, which, started stage one, the physical change into Anthony's true self so that they said. But Anthony wouldn't this change, this correction. So they had to put him into a straight-jacket and keep him calm until he developed into a girl until he got into stage two, which was biologically to remove much of his male glans that produced what he has to more female glans, that his body started moving through his body and mind, them the mentally and psychologic, they, they will alter his person history for a more feminine one, but Anthony fought tooth and nail of each day, he made sure that it won't easy or that they fail, this as been on for several months, but Anthony the gay 17 years is been cured, she has been correctly into a happy, pretty hetero girl, she knows nothing of Anothony, she believes that she is Antonia Marie, body, mind and essence, what happens when she sure corrected ( cured) that is another story.

Good Samaritan.

By Rhodry.

This was a strange tale, at best about my next-door neighbour, who somehow got pregnant. But she swore that didn't sleep with anyone or have sex with anyone either, plus it was her time of the month. I'm known as Shadow, Michelle's next-door neighbour. Plus she knew me as a friend, and she didn't of me like that, if you know believe the rumours, that she had physical sex or astral sex, what is that, it's like regular sex, but in the astral plane. Me I rather not admit to it. That I could or would do it. If I wanted to, when Michelle was about five or six months pregnant, she got tired of being pregnant, don't get me wrong, it was a joy and pain at times, So she asked me, if we could switch bodies, thou I have switched and taken over a few people never for longer that a few days or weeks and that was for fun or something important to me, but being in a pregnant that is so far in pregnant, at first said no, I was busy, but later on I strangely agreed. for a week or two so I was Michelle for a week or so. It wasn't as fun as I thought, thou I enjoyed I could hear many strange combinations of food, but the pain of the child kicking wasn't as fun, then as the second was nearly over I waited to we if Michelle was back with my body. When it became four or five weeks I was still Michelle, then about six and seven weeks, Michelle was still me, and I was still her, I was about 8 or 8 and a half months along the way. Then Michelle was sorry that she decided to take a little more time, and she was ready to return as herself again. But even thou she, would be here soon, my/her water broke and I/she was ready to give birth, that the strangest thing about labour it could be a few hours or 20 or 30 more hours of labour. and not sure that could switch now if I could. The strangest, thing is that she might be late for her child's birth. The question is who the baby's father was, or was it true that about astral sex that is another story.

I am the queen.

By Rhodry.

Jeffery was a court wizard, he did have power, he had the skill, but not the talent, he just got out of wizarding school barely a year ago. He had been studying to be a wizard for about 50 years, and with all the training, the teaching he still looked like a 20-year-old boy, that is one of the secrets, but when he was sent to be these kings and queens' wizard, he didn't expect that he had some fascination with her, okay called what you will love. The marriage was arranged, out of politics, The king knew that his queen sometimes had taste that, she'll bed a servant or a guard, it even said that she did a monk, if that was true, now when I was fascinated with her, she looked at her with her newest taste of month. I do want her not for a few days or until she moves to a new serf or someone else. So I decided to enchant myself, I looked in my book for some spells, chants, and potions to enthral the Queen me. But the King was wise for the queen's TASTES, for the others it is one thing, but a wizard is something else, wizards can be as powerful as a King or Queen, so he sent the wizard on an impossible task. Jeffery knew that he wanted to send him away for a long time. So when Jeffery had to find a special plant or herds for certain things. To help, so for several days. when he was travelling he kept some of his more powerful tools, and charms with him. But Jeffery couldn't help but want the Queen for himself, as he sat next to a fire, he chanced a special spell, to enthral the Queen. So spoke the chances to the cosmos, to whatever being, spirit, god or demon. When I am a demon, a god or whatever. Something answered, it asked what of you desired of me it said. I wished to be the Queen, I wanted her, so much, it is a strange request. It spoke a strange archaic linguae. There were lights and sounds. When Jeffery's vision cleared, he was many, many miles from the castle. He was in the castle he was in the Queen's chamber. He tried to call for her, but his voice sounded strange, different, almost feminine. When he could feel the tightness of clothes that weren't his when he saw his image in a full-length mirror, then he realized that he was her, this wasn't what he wanted, but then this could work as well too, He could control, the King with certain potions, that will enthral him to me or the queen, so Jeffery/ Queen when to his chambers, to get certain powers, potion, liquids to controls, the king, so several days, the kings the bedded Jeffery/ Queens, and he/she slowly took control of him, Jeffery/.Queen slowly suggested things to the kings, and within eight or nine months, Jeffery/Queen gave birth to their first child was it a girl or boy both princes and princesses are another story.

Getting professional help.

By, Rhodry.

Alex has been denied these sexual urges, ever since, he became a girl, okay a woman a twenty-something woman. At first, Alex didn't like it at all, he liked girls, women a lot, but he had never been one before, all the time, he switched bodies like a suit or an outfit, this was his first time as a girl now, So until he could switch out of her, he/she played the tomboy card, which Alex as a girl could get away for so long, plus he/she to adjust to doing things a little different, that he normally does, like go the restroom, he couldn't go the men's room, which he/she accidentally went a couple of times, So he/she went into the girl's room, It was the same and different at the times, plus he/she to pee and go number sitting down. So there were things about his/her body, that, he/she didn't know, like periods or pads. And those stupid sensations, those feelings he/she when he/she sees a cute guy or three. He/she felt between his/her thighs, in his/her stomach. Or his/her nipples had several choices to finger him/herself, use a sex toy, and find a person who would be safe. So Alex didn't know why he/she chose the third one. He/she met online, they would meet and later would have sex. So Alex CHECK HIS/HER Ward rope, want would be good for this since Alex was a girl now Alex playing the tomboy thing. But that would last so long, so he/hated to wear the dreaded dresses, he/she had no choice so, he/she one the lease of the girly clothes he/she had. Then the shoes, no way I'm wearing heels. So a pair of plain flats will, a little makeup and lipstick. Which he/she hated less, but still if he/she did get from being horny for the last several days over with it be worth it. A few hours later they made a connection with each other. Then they went to his/her place, quickly stripped naked, slowly kissed me on the lips and slowly went down to his/her breasts down to his/her vagina, then He/she was sitting on his/her hands and knees, and he slowly put his penis in his/her rear, he went slowly then he went faster and quicker until he shot his jism in Alex's rear. When he/she felt it, it was a strange but pleasant feeling, He/she couldn't believe it, it was amazing, fantastic. He lay flat on the bed. But Alex wasn't done, he/she wanted to ride him on top so he/she did. He/she rode his penis like a hard stick went it was over he/she screamed with pleasure. but he/she decided to drip some of his jism on his crotch a bit, he/she said I'm dripping do you mind, he says no it isn't the first this happen, when Alex decided to lay on the bed next to him, he/she slept until morning, she found him gone and a note if your willing to do it again some time. call and text me again. Alex smiled, maybe being a girl isn't so bad now, he/she thought to himself/herself. What is next for Alex now, will he/she switch out or stay as Alex the girl, learn to be another story.

I would never have done that.

By Anonymous.

Sarah was now a guy, a male, he, she had planned this because she was tried because, the simple fact, most guys look at her breasts, or when she is in a bikini, and then it is nothing, but static, they could see her talking but nothing was heard or understood, it doesn't matter that she was just as smart as they were. So Sarah had the plan to find the right guy, that he was a nerd, but looked like an average guy, so she chose Michael to swap, he was enough of a nerd to be smart, and a sudden change of behaviour wouldn't matter. And he likes the idea of getting within her pants if you get my meaning. So it would be the first and only time that Michael gets as a guy. So when it was time, she spoke the spell, drank the potion, and made sure that Michael drank his part of the potion which was in A DRINK that she slipped in. What happened that night Sarah/Michael made him/her know that there was no coming back as himself again. So a week had passed Sarah now Michael had adjusted as a guy. He had heard nothing that Michael now Sarah had broken down or was sent to the hospital, all that he heard was a girl, who decided of college go wild a bit, Michael saw his former female body was looser or wilder than some of her former college sisters. And the worst of it he/she was actually enjoying it. Michael was angry, embarrassed that the former guy now a girl actually enjoyed it, having fun as a girl, as her. So Michael was angry that, she except the fact, she was a girl now, how dare she enjoy it that, she acted, like a tarted so he sent it to his former e-mail address, about 15 or 20 mins later, another message appeared. It was me err she now. It said. Hello, Michael at first, I was angry and wanted to erase it or block it, then I found out it was from me/you, you know what I mean, when I woke up as you, my head was sort of fuzzy. When your/my head cleared up, it was several hours later. When realized that I was you, I wanted to stay here for days, then I wanted to find me/ you. As I slowly adjusted to the fact that I was you, a girl, a female, I decided to accept the fact I was you, or should say I am a girl now, and it shouldn't be as bad or terrible. That I still can think clearly, I have a gifted/genius IQ, and I'm pretty, plus I know a few things about guys, and how they work and think. So I play being dumb at times while being smart at the same time. So I used the tools that I had now, and it was great, so I'm being a bit flirty. I hadn't had this much fun it 10 or 12 blue moons, So if you want to talk or something else, text me or something, hugs and kisses Sarah. He realized that he couldn't understand that he understand the reason for it, but that is another story of why.

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