Friday, 3 January 2025

Is the room spinning or am I?


As a man, Karl could handle his alcohol but as a woman, he was a right lightweight.

With just a couple of shots inside him, he was on the floor.

His sister and her girlfriend just set up the bar trying not to laugh and regressing asking him to come out on Girl's night with them.


  1. two years after stealing his neighbor's mom body and her life, the old body hopper does not regrets. He evem impersonate her so well, that he forgot he old self and begins to think he is the real woman.

    1. I will stay until she's too old requested by Anonymous 16.02.25

  2. As a man, Karl could handle his alcohol and then some, but now as Karol it was different, as a girl, Karl/Karol couldn't hold his/her alcohol at the level before. A couple of shots, of the little stuff. and Karl/Karol was getting buzzed, nearly drunk. As Karl/Karol tried to stand up, and go to the restroom. How did it happy, well it complicated that Karl want to come with them, his sister her girlfriend wanted a girl's night out. Why he wanted to know what was so special about girls night. So for some strange reason, they agreed, but there was condition, that he comes as a girl. So he got temporary turned into a girl for the night, and there few condition, so a few hours later Karl was now Karol of the night, Karl/Karol thought being a girl , he/she handle his/her alcohol just as well, but that wasn't so , thou he/she couldn't still so well, he/she thought , these heels where to high, but Karl/Karol knew his/her heels were moderate, the next thing was he/she accidently went into the men's , but he/she didn't realized he/she was a girl at the moment, what happen next, that is another story.
