Friday 23 August 2024

I would never have done that.

Sarah now in the body of a young man was ashamed and horrified when she clicked on the link her friend had sent her saying you must watch this.

It was a link to a YouTube channel YouTube channel Hot Girl Madness XXX.

It was a video of her former body dressed like a slapper dancing with her former tits hanging out in front of a crowd of men and women at a local nightclub.

She sent an angry and disgusted letter to Robert the person who was now inhabiting her body.

She told him what she thought of him.

She told him he was gaining a reputation.

She told him if he carried on like this it would only lead to bad things.

Robert read her email and did not care.

This was now his body.

He could do whatever he wanted with it.

She had no say in the matter.

If he wanted to be the biggest slapper out there, he would be it.

He fought about sending her a reply telling her so.

Instead decided to send her a picture of himself in bed with two guys and come dripping off his lips.

Which made Sarah extremely angry and extremely hard for him.


  1. Sarah was now a guy, a male, a he, she had plan this because she was tried because , the simple fact, most guys look at her breasts, or when she is in a bikini, and then its nothing, but static, they could see her talking but nothing was heard or understood, it doesn't matter that she was just as smart as they were. So Sarah had a plan to find the right guy, that he was nerd , but looked like average guy, so she choice Michael to swap , he was enough of nerd to be smart , and sudden change of behavior wouldn't matter. And he like the idea of get within in her pants if you get my meaning. So She it would the first and only time that Michael get as a guy. So when it was time, she spoke the spell, drank the potion, made sure that Michael drank his part of the potion which was in A DRINK that she slipped in. What happen that night Sarah/Michael made he/she knew that there was no coming back as himself again. So a week had passed Sarah now Michael had adjust as a guy. He had heard nothing that Michael now Sarah had broke down or was send to the hospital, all that he heard was a girl, who decided of college go wild a bit, Michael saw his former female body has more looser or wilder that some of her former college sisters. And the worst of it he/she was actually enjoying it. Michael, was angry, embarrassed that former guy now girl was actually enjoyed it, having fun as a girl, as her. So Michael was angry that, she except the fact, she is a girl now, how dare she enjoyed it that, she acted, like a tarted so he send to his former e-mail address, about 15 or 20 mins later, another message appear. It was me err she now. It said. Hello Michael at first, I was angry and wanted to erase it or block it, then I found out it was from me/you, you know what I mean, when i woke up as you, your my head was sort of fuzzy. When your/my head cleared up, it was several hours later. When realized that I was you, I wanted to stay here for days, then I wanted to find me/ you. As I slowly adjusted to the fact that I was you, a girl, a female, I decided to except the fact I was you, or should say I am a girl now, and it shouldn't as bad or terrible. That I still can think clearly, I have gifted/genius IQ, and I'm pretty to, plus I know a few things about guys, and how they work and think. So I play being dumb at time, while being smart at same time. So I used the tools that I had now, and it great, so I'm being a bit flirty. I hadn't had this much fun it 10 or 12 blue moons, So if you want to talk or something else, text me or something, hugs and kisses Sarah. As He realized that he couldn't understand that he understand the reason of it, but that is another story of why.
