Wednesday 8 November 2023

What do you fancy?

William told himself everything would be okay.

He told himself only have to do was report what had happened to me and the police would help.

He reported his stolen body and identity.

He gave them a description of what he had looked like what he was wearing at the time he had his a body stone.

He had all his bank accounts on the counts closed the medium.

Which left him and the person who had stolen his body with absolutely nothing.

Until the investigation was over he was not being allowed to go back to his apartment.

They put him in a halfway house and he had to find a job his new body could do.

He ended up working for minimum wages and tips as a local buyer.

He quickly adjusted to be in the woman and having a womanly problems and feelings.

He quickly discovered the delights of self-masturbation as a woman.

He quickly discovered how good a dildo was.

The police had found the person who had stolen it he had come to make her body and his new life.

After seeing what she had done to his body and the mess she had got it into he decided she could keep it.

He claimed back all his property and money and belongings and at everything switched over to his meal to identity.

He was now a very beautiful and wealthy woman and did not have to work anymore.

Boat despite that he still turned up for his shift every day at the diner were he would for $25 behind the bins sucked them off.

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