Thursday 9 November 2023

I didn't want this but I will not give it up.

16 weeks ago Samuel sister had got cold feet just before her wedding.

She stole his body leaving him in hers to take her place.

Was able to find her to get her to undo what she had done to him he had no choice but to go through with the wedding.

He felt ridiculous in her white dress walking down the aisle.

He felt sick to his stomach as he said I do and kiss the man who was now his husband.

He was terrified and frightened after the party to go away on a honeymoon trip with him.

He knew the first night was going to be uncomfortable for him.

He desperately once again tried to get in touch with his sister but she was not answering his phone.

He stood there completely naked and walked out of the bathroom.

He did not know how to be romantic with a man.

He did not know how to play the female part.

But some part of her psyche must have carried over and he found himself quickly  falling into her role.

After that first night things started to settle down and he started to like his new life.

Being a woman wasn't all bad even though there was some aspects of it he hated.

He quickly got used to wearing female underwear and clothing and walking around in high heels.

Thanks to YouTube he started to learn how to do his hair and makeup and make himself pretty for his husband.

He stopped trying to get his body back and started to accept his new life as his sister.

He looked being a wife.

He looked having a strong man to take care of him.

He looked not having to work every single day to survive.

All he had to do was keep house look after his looks and satisfy his husband in bed.

He never thought he would see his sister in his body ever again.

Then today she turned up telling him that she was sorry for what she had done.

She told him  she had made a mistake seeing his body and she had regretted it ever since.

She told him I only had to do was agree to swap back with her and the spell would work.

He just looked at her with tears in his eyes and said I'm sorry to tell you this but I love your life.

Yes at first I was annoyed.

But I quickly learned to love it.

I love my husband I love my life and I love our baby growing inside of me.

I'm sorry that you don't enjoy the life you have taken away from me.

But it is your life now and you must learn to live it.

There is no way I am ever giving this up.

She just surprised and shocked by his words.

She never expected that he would enjoy her life.

She never expected he would enjoy being a married woman.

She never expected that he would get himself pregnant so quickly.

She never expected that he would not want to swap back.

She did not want to know what she was going to do now.

She hated the life she had.

She could not stand being her brother for 5 minutes longer.

She pleaded in bed with him to swap back.

He just told her you made your bed you must lie on it.

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