Tuesday 14 November 2023

Just another night at work

Andrew lent against the wall stopping himself from falling over.

He felt top heavy and extremely unbalanced.
He looked down and saw the reason he was a woman.

He said in a voice that was not his own shit not this again.

He made his way to the nearest functioning telephone box which smelt of piss and made him want to be sick.

He dialled the phone number implanted in his brain.

An automated voice on the other end told him they had placed his brain in the body of the call girl Sarah white.

His mission was to take the place of the prostitute hired by Mr Tony Scott CEO of emerald technology. 

He was to plant listening devices in his apartment and tracking software on his computer.

It told him when the mission was over he was to report back to this phone box and reported in.

The line went dead and there was a strange beeping sounded in head that give him all the information he needed to complete this mission. 


  1. In a moment Andrew was a bit woozy. He felt all wrong. He needed a moment to clear the cobwebs in his head. So he lent against a wall, everything felt wrong. His chest felt weird. His shoes felt wrong for him. He felt a breezed under his coat. As he unbuttoned the coat a bit. Then he realized that he was now a woman. He didn't know how or why he was a girl. Then when he saw a phone booth. He went in the booth. For a moment or so he stopped it smelled like pee in there. But he placed a coin in the slot. Pushed a few numbers.
    He said hello, a automatic voice clicked in, You are a call girl Sarah White. You mission is to take her place as prostitute hired by Mr. Tony Scott CEO of Emerald Technology.
    You are to plant listening and tracking devices in his place and his personal computer.
    When go there plant the devices you must please him in a sexual way. When you are done with the mission. Return to the phone booth to confirmed. The mission.
    As he waited a few minutes it Beeb a few times the line died down. And Andrew hung the phone on the receiver. He buttons coat and he moved to a Mr. Tony Scott place. He seems be moving more fluid, like he was natural as a girl. He had to finish the mission. Report back to the office. Why was Andrew a girl and call girl. That is another story.
