Sunday 19 November 2023

Alternative Story By Rhodry: 19.11.23

Becoming the town bimbo.

It happen one Halloween night. it was like any party he got drunk. Had quick one night stand with a woman he didn't know. she was dressed in a sexy angle costume. She make look like angle. but her sexual appetite more sinful. After that night I never knew her name. At the time it didn't matter. The next few days I develop cold that I couldn't get over it.

Then I decided to go to the medical centre to see what was wrong with me. The doctor discovered that I was going a sort of physical and biological change. Within a week or three I was going thou a sort of metamorphic change from man to female change is bad enough.

it was worst I got sort of Bimbo virus . Which would effect the mind. I don't mean my mental or emotional state. That would affect me either way. It seems that my IQ was effect too. Soon I'll effetely be an airhead. By main concerts are makeup, hair, my clothes and shoes. And the last thing is sex. Not in the ordinary sense. That I wanted it, i CRAVE IT. Not once a week or two but allot of it. Each day. any two or three or is it four or more. Oh, I beginning forget things again. What was I thinking about now. I GUESS it was that important . Then she saw. her next conquest. Will she totally forgot who she was. Or was it important. What is she was that is another story.

I love my new life.

Daniel was once business account. He was good at his job. But now he is in a hotel floor. Where He/she was wear nothing but some lingerie a pair of thigh high stockings, and pair of heels. And a jacket open to show, her feminine. The photographer was tell him/her to enjoy. Him/herself as the photographer was shoot several pictures. But nearly six months ago Daniel/Danelle/Danni caught the femvius that mostly only changes most men slightly feminine. But in rare cases like Daniel, it would change a guy physically and biologically. As well mentally and emotionally too. It took him/her nearly months. For Daniel/Danelle/Dannie to adjust to be a girl. He/she slowly adjust being. Now Daniel/Danelle found away to make money at a model. This was her fourth or fifth job. This was the first time to model lingerie. Several hours later when it was done. They when back to the room, actually a suite, where horsd'oeuves and champaign. When it was over she yes, she smiles. as she took a bit of hors and a slip of champaign. She smiles at him. When he smiled back at her. She could see that he want her. After another glass or two. Dannie slowly pulled him into the her bedroom. She kisses him a few times as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pants. And he removed her lingerie, The only thing was her stockings, and heels. Within a few minutes. She was shouting loudly that she loves it, she loves the sensation of being a woman. And this was her first time being penetrated as one. Oh, oh my I. I love this life. I'm not Daniel, I'm Danelle, Dannie now. And forever!

It will all be worth it in the end

Richard always wanted to be a woman. He always fell like one. Every test from the biological to the physical said male. But his mind , his essence says female. But he had knowledge of secret advance technology that can give him that but he wasn't to high up in the pecking order , which means that he couldn't afford for a advance new model. But he could afford a second hand or common model. So Richard could but a down payment on one. And pay the rest of it. In payment over the spam of several months. If he/she goes to work as call girl. So Richard saw the dark side of being a girl now. He/she knew that it wasn't the best way to save up. But it is quick way to get plenty in a quick way. The question is that what happen to Richard/Rochel after she done paying for her new body. Rochel has thought that far. Like over 2 years latter. That is the question.

The boys are just going enjoy me in this!

`Danny (Danni) didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. That he was picked to play the girls parts in the plays. But Danny(Dannie) never knew that there was long tradition of men to play girl roles. The reason of it was that in ancient times that women weren't aloud to act on the stage. But even now its still done. For various reason. One to expand a actors sort of badge of honor. Other reason that is a all boys schools. Beside that Danny (Dannie) who the right size, the right appearance. He had that almost girlish appearance. So Danny (Dannie). When he put on the feminine garment. Something happen almost mystical and magical. It seems to fit him like it almost made for him. His hair, his face, his appearance became more and more feminine. His action, his movement became more feminine. Even his voice sounded more feminine like it was natural. When he was in the outfit , the costume seems more natural. When his drama teacher was naturally pleased. When Danny (Dannie) was on staged. Danny/Dannie looked so real. So NATURAL that until a hour ago. That was same person that hated to wear the outfit. Now was more natural in it. It hard to believe that it was the him err her acting on stage. Even a kiss seem to be natural like a girl. When Danny/ Dannie was done. He/she was wondering that, if he/she takes off his/she outfit with he/she stay like this or will Danny/Dannie returned to his male self again. He/she doesn't want it to end. That one of his/her fellow actors asked him/her for a date as a girl. Danny/Dannie was only been a girl for few hours. And feels like it is part of him/her now.

He has not been in the office for the past 5 days.

Matthew believe that women placed. is in the home cooking and cleaning and making children. He didn't believe that women had the right stuff, to be in charge of anything important. And he found ways or tricks that could prevent any woman in his charge to get ahead or earn anything.

The girls couldn't prove it. But they were sure that he held back or borrow there idea. For his own. That it was is. Or that the girls should be happy to give them, a suggestion. So after so many times. Of trying they came up with crazy strange idea. That Matthew should learn what its like to be one even for a few days or so. So they slipped a few special transfiguration pink pills in his morning coffee. So the next day Matthew was now was feminine version of himself for two or three days. To teach Matthew what to be one. But after the third or fourth day MATTHEW was still a female. a girl , a she. For some reason his biology is physically features were still female. Those pills reacted to his DNA it seems to rewritten him into a her fully and permanently a her. Now Matthew was now part the office worker name Mattie. She take dressing in skirts and dressed and heels. Within a few weeks Matthew/Mattie still believed that women belong to the home and cooking and clean. No not really. She believe they belong in the bedroom. So they penetrated over and over again. Which she really enjoyed the carnal pleasure that been getting. Does she want to be a wife to a guy in the office that is question is another story.

Just another night at work

In a moment Andrew was a bit woozy. He felt all wrong. He needed a moment to clear the cobwebs in his head. So he lent against a wall, everything felt wrong. His chest felt weird. His shoes felt wrong for him. He felt a breezed under his coat. As he unbuttoned the coat a bit. Then he realized that he was now a woman. He didn't know how or why he was a girl. Then when he saw a phone booth. He went in the booth. For a moment or so he stopped it smelled like pee in there. But he placed a coin in the slot. Pushed a few numbers.

He said hello, a automatic voice clicked in, You are a call girl Sarah White. You mission is to take her place as prostitute hired by Mr. Tony Scott CEO of Emerald Technology.

You are to plant listening and tracking devices in his place and his personal computer.

When go there plant the devices you must please him in a sexual way. When you are done with the mission. Return to the phone booth to confirmed. The mission.

As he waited a few minutes it Beeb a few times the line died down. And Andrew hung the phone on the receiver. He buttons coat and he moved to a Mr. Tony Scott place. He seems be moving more fluid, like he was natural as a girl. He had to finish the mission. Report back to the office. Why was Andrew a girl and call girl. That is another story.

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