Thursday 27 April 2023


Jeremy met a beautiful young woman in a bar.

He felt a sexual magnetism between them.

They both got chatting and after a couple of drinks he took her back to his place.

After the most incredible love making he had ever had in his life he looked up and saw a ginormous wasp.

It stung him and his body started to ripple and change.

After 30 minutes of the most intense pain he had ever felt in his life his body settled down and the pain went away.

He opened his eyes and the woman was there he fought he must have hallucinated or dreamt it.

His whole entire body felt sticky and wet and when he looked down he saw a unfamiliar sight.

He now had two large breasts on his chest.

Panic stricken and frightened he reached between his legs and felt for his big old reliable friend.

He was shocked and surprised to find it was no longer there it had been replaced by a wet opening.

The woman told him to go and clean himself and get dressed.

He found himself obeying her without question.

She told him as he showered that he was now one of her drones.

His task was to find suitable young men mate with them and bring them back to her for a simulation into her.

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