Wednesday 26 April 2023

It just happened we didn't plan it

40 year old Mrs Williams screamed at 19-year-old Anthony her stepson to stop playing with her breasts and put her top back on.

Anthony just looked at her and said you're not the adult now you're the teenage boy so you do what I say as he carried on jiggling them.

Mrs Williams getting angry and getting turned on by what he was doing started really getting frustrated.

She grabbed hold of him and easily overpowered him with her new masculine muscles.

Anthony was surprised and taken aback by her actions and as he lay on the floor with her on top of him he felt himself getting wet.

Mrs Williams on top of her own body staring into his eyes found herself getting hard at the scent of his wet pussy which turned her teenage body on.

Before either of them knew what was happening Mrs Williams had Anthony's hard cock out and deep inside her wet pussy which was making Anthony moon with unbridle pleasure and sexual happiness.

When they both finally came 20 minutes later they looked at each of our and said we can never let this happen again.

2 months later and after a lot of sex Anthony was showing Mrs Williams a positive pregnancy test and saying you're going to be a Daddy.

Which did not go down well with Anthony's father and Mrs Williams' husband where he finally turned up 6 months later in a 22-year-old teenage girls body.


  1. Hello, could you accept this story?

    When the great shift came, a old hobo from another country ends up in a single mom living with her son. Secretly he replaced her, hopes the real mom doesn't return so could enjoy this milf body.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

