Sunday 26 September 2021

It escape from a lab 2 years ago. By Rhodry

Patrick was one of those researchers on stuff that was consider unknown, or forbidden. Secret that exist, but never truth known.

It was always hard to prove, but these people, these people, worked in the shadows, they have ways, to keep there secrets.
In ways that is consider the impossible.
All he did was take a shower, a simple shower, he striped off, his clothes, entered the shower adjusting, the temperature to get it just right.
It started to feel tingly almost relaxing, in a strange way.
What happen next was impossible. He started to change, to morph into what.
His masculine form, his frame, started to shifted into a more androgynous appearances.
What happen next his body started change into a girl.
His body started to shrink down a several inches, his weight seem to be more lighter than before.
His masculine form seemed more lighter, more thinner, more lighter.
His masculine legs and thighs, seem more thinner, more lighter.
His chest seems to more feminine in appearances . His waist was more thinner, his hips was much wider.
His voice several was more softer, more feminine in nature. Almost a girlish in nature. As the water was flowing on his former male body.
What seems like several hours, which a good 10 or 15 minutes.
As he stepped out of the shower, didn't see himself standing naked. In front of the mirror. He saw this strange person that looks strangely familiar to him.
He touched the imagine and was shocked to see himself as a girl.
Before he knew what happen, his friend was surprised to see a half-naked girl.
The problem that half-naked girl. Was Patrick the problem was that his DNA change into a girl. Who believe that this girl was actually Patrick.
Even thou, he was tested to proved that she was a he, a few hours ago. He was a guy. Now he was a GIRL, now and he must except the fact he is a girl now.
But how to prove that this girl, other than his DNA, all his history is of him as a guy. Now he has to change his records, his history in a his new life now. Even thou he could prove that it was true. There was real proof. That they were there.
He has no real history now of his new life as a girl now. And the day hasn't ending.
All because of the ultra secret group wants to stay secret. And be a myth.

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