Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Now this is different!

Richard was a little bit nervous going into the shop.

He was nervous approaching the beautiful young lady dressed in black leather at the counter.

He said in almost a whisper do you sell fem pills?

The lady behind the counter picked up a box and smiled at him 

She said in a sweet relaxing voice we sell 24-hour 38 hour 72 hours and permanent which one are you looking for?

Richard said in a stabling voice do these things work?

The Woman Behind the Counter looked at him and said of course they worked for months ago I was a fat overweight man running a Dying business.

Now I am a beautiful young woman running a successful business.

Becoming a woman was the best thing I have ever done.

Yes, some aspects of being a woman are uncomfortable and unappealing at first.

But once you spread your legs and experience your first female orgasm you will never want to go back to be in the man.

I suggest you try the 38-hour pills.

If you like the results you can always Combat for the permanence pills.

Richard looked at the beautiful woman as she was pulling his life.

He purchased the 38-hour pills and filled out the government-required form for their use.

Now back home he took the pills.

The next morning he awoke as a horny female version of himself.

He was so hot sticky and wet that he spent the first day of the woman exploring his body his new virginity and working out how to get it going.

By the end of his first 24 hours as a woman, he knew he wanted to go permanent.


  1. Richard enter this place, this shop, then he entered this shop, he saw this pretty woman in black leather outfit, she smiled at him, and said can I help you. She said. Richard smiled a bit, he was a bit nerves, at what wanted to do. But he wasn't exactly sure that he was willing to tell her what he wanted. Then he dredged the courage . And said in a low voice, he said that I would like some fem pills he said, please. Then she smiled at him., She examined him, to figured out if he was willing to take these pills, When she was sure that he was will to experiment to be a girls for a short time or does he want a more permanent thing. Well she said that we have several different level , she said. Different level he asked. Well yes, some of our customers, want do temperate like a 24 hour thing ,to 38 hours for weekends, then there is 72 hours ones. to a 7-day thing, even some that goes to a 2-week ones, or longer. And there was a special package that you make it permanent, but that you have to take a series of pills to adjust your body to more permanent state, as a girl, you will be one completely one. Then Richard asked that do they work, he said. Then she showed him, a series of some picture of before and after for the temperate one. To the more permanent ones. If you don't believe those pictures. I'll tell you something , I was once like you, once a guy who decided to do it himself, I too was nervous too, and took the temperant pills, until I decided to make it permanent. He looked at her at disbelieve at her. No it true, I probably a little older that you about maybe 15 or 20 older you, now look at me, I loved myself and my life now. So what do you want to test you being a girl or are you sure that want to be one complete one. I, I don't know exactly want I want, Yes, I want to export being a girl to go out as one. But I'm sure that I don't want to be one. Or just be one for awhile Then she looked him, then she looked at me again, I suggest that if you want to experiment, you should do it over the weekend, to see if you want to go further to be one for awhile or you decided to actually be one permanently or to be a weekend girl. So suggested that you take the 38 hour one that you experiment being a weekend girl for awhile. So Ricard decided to experiment to be a weekend girl. So Richard had to signed the formed. And then he left the store. Then whet home, he signed to slip into his favorite nightdress in was late so he took the pill , and slept when he slept there was transformation , when Ricard woke u, he was for time being a feminine version of himself, He couldn't believe it so he strip off his dress to see that he was a she completely a girl, then , he remember when he took the pill and then he figure it out. he had about 7 hours of the 38 hours pills so he has going to be a girl about until another 31 hours, so Richard did something crazy and wild, that he goes shopping for girl clothes and few girl shoes. Then he realized that he didn't any girl clothes than a few nightdresses. So then he realized that he could in his boy clothes, he could pretend to borrow his brothers stuff, or a boyfriend it a white lie, Lucky he got a cash card so he didn't have to have a loot of cash ,so few hours later , he buy a few dresses and skirt and blouses, and couple of shoe, plus some plain underwear that can mistaking for guys underwear, so he did it again next weekend and again another weekend. Then when RICHARD decided to go the permanent as Raquel. She remembers take those pills to be temporary one to the permanent ones. It was a long year and half. But to Raquel it was short time for her. What happen between he time between Ricard to Raquel. is another story.

  2. Request: Tommy befriends with his old neighbor who was a shapeshifter. The retired man doesn't have much friends, and loved Tommy as his son. Tommy asked him to use his special abilities to impersonate his mom on parents Meeting. His grades were not so well. He Wars impressed, his neighbor became the perfect copy from his mom. Tommy doesn't suspects he pretended to be his mom in other times. And os planning to steal his single mom's life forever.

    "New mom" in town

    "Mom" fun
