Friday, 10 May 2024

I needed this all day.

17-year-old Thomas 16-year-old William and 19-year-old Karl three average teenage boys who just happened to be home central had been sent to a reform camp by their parents.

After weeks of aversion therapy and re-education, the camp realized that they could not alter the way these three boys were.

So instead they decided to alter them.

They transformed them into three 100% female horny teenage girls.

It was just a pity that they did not know the mind sweep did not work and they still were gay.

But now instead of being interested in men, they were interested in women.

Not wanting to go through any more procedures they decided to keep that fact between themselves.

So by day they played along and pretended to be teenage girls who were interested in teenage boys.

But at night whilst everyone slept peacefully in their beds they met up in the female shower box and released that day's built sexual tension.



  1. 16-year old Thomas, 16-year old William , and `19-year old Karl was three typical boys, but they had a slightly-wild side to them. So they parent sent them to be special camp, to correct there wild streak. At the camp they when through intense screening, and discovered there Secrets they , that where gay, to put it simple they liked guys in a sexually ways, after several days that when to a few weeks ,m they couldn't help them with their problem. So instead of curing them of it, they adjusted there bodies that it would be okay for them to like boys in a sexually way. Thomas was now a pretty brunette now known as Tara, 16-year old William is now knowns as the raven -haired Willow. And 19-year-old Karl was now Kylie. They now had a couple of things on their mind, clothes, shoes, makeup and boys. Thou there still interested in boys there now interested in girls, especially each other, but they don't tell that there training didn't exactly, work on them, they didn't exactly want to more training , they kept it secret, oh the did a few things for the boys , and enjoyed, when the day was over , all secretly sneaked to the showers and did lesbian three-some there, they not sure if they enjoyed to do it the boys or to the girls aka themselves. At the moment they didn't care either way, they get the pleasure either way.
