Wednesday, 15 May 2024

They're right I did love it

21-year-old Simon saw the adverts like so many students.

Become a swap surrogate of got today and make money the easy way.

Pay off all your student loans and debts quicker than you ever fought was possible.

He had no intentions of swapping bodies with a pregnant woman and carrying her children.

He did not care that the money was so good.

He like so many other students was going to take out the vast amounts of loans to pay for everything.

He never imagined that he would be turned down for 90% of them.

Leaving him financially in the shit.

Even with a part-time job, he was barely making enough to survive that's alone pay for his tuition.

He decided to inquire at the local swap surrogate office what the job entailed.

They told him it was a quick and easy process.

Once he had been paired with a suitable candidate his consciousness would be swapped into her body and hers into his.

Heathen would go through the next 8 to 9 months experiencing all the joys and pains of pregnancy.

Morning sickness gaining weight swollen ankle sore back increased mood swings saw nipples.

He would have to live in the same home as her though she could grow a connection with the baby growing now inside of him.

He would have to stick to a strict diet and health regime.

He would have to attend birthing classes with her.

Depending if the client had chosen to give birth or not he could go through childbirth or not.

Desperate for money he signed the contract and went through the usual health checks and background checks.

Six weeks later he was paired with a businesswoman who wanted to start a family but did not want to put her career on hold.

It was weird and strange first inside of her female body.

Everything was different strange and a turn-on.

Her breasts bounced and giggled with every step and were tender to the touch.

At first, he masturbated quite a lot.

But when the morning sickness started and dizziness it did not seem as much fun as before.

Over the next eight and a half he waddled around College growing bigger and bigger and more hormone.

The diet and health regime she had put him on was no fun.

Everything he had and drank she monitored.

Exercise in the beginning was easy and not too uncomfortable well that wasn't until he started showing.

Everything got more difficult to larger his belly and breasts.

He found it extremely hard and study for his final exams.

He had a pregnancy brain.

He spent the next eight and a half months in constant confusion about who he was where he was and what he was supposed to be doing.

Despite all that he still managed to graduate with a good score two weeks before giving birth to This Woman's baby after 17 1/2 hours of excruciating labour with no pain as she wanted a natural birth.

He swore to himself he would never do this again after the incredible amount of pain he had endured pushing a baby out of him.

But like a lot of men before him, he had caught the pregnancy bug.

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