Friday 5 February 2021

OH Mr Thompson that does feel good.

Home math's teacher Jeremy had hated school the first time around.

So he was not looking forward to having to repeat it just because he had had his body stolen by a teenage girl who hated her life.

So with no choice but to take on her life he found himself back in High School.

Where he quickly discovered it wasn't as bad as the first time around.
because now being a horny teenage girl he did not have to work hard to get straight A's like before.



  1. Jeremy hated high school when he was a teenage. Allot of the classes his was average , except. Math which he exceptional at it.
    But now he has to returned to teach it. To get his credit for the college. Thou college was better, it help him to get what he wanted. A career in Mathematics.
    But he to teach a course or two for a year. So he had bare it for one more in high school.
    He was teaching a course most were average, and they could barely understand it some degree.
    But there was one girl. There she looked out of place. In a class like this, but I was surprised that she knew the course , better than most.
    I was surprised that she hear. I was surprise that she didn't jump a few grades.
    But the reason were surprising. That school need a person, like her to keep the grade average up.
    But when she saw me. And saw I was barely a few years age than. She was a sorta mad, even angry. Because she had the same talent as me. But some cruel twist fate.
    She looked me and wondered why.
    Then a few week later. She was dressed up like Catholic girl. Then she spoke a few words that were unknown to him.
    A flash light surrounded him. And when the light disappeared. He was her, and she was me.
    I was shock, and surprised. Before I could do anything, or say something.
    He/she pulled me into a empty room. And locked it.
    You wondering what happen. To but it simply, we switched bodies. I'm you and your me.
    But how why I said in her voice. Why do I feel hot and bothered.
    You mean , you feel horny. Well that's me. And the sudden change, sometimes effect people. At times, so I can help you.
    Help me, how.
    Well, if you want to know. I can
    Yes, please. I need to claim down.
    As she/he place his hand to my skirt. And raised it up. And started to rubble my panties, I felt it in crotch.
    Oh, oh, oh yes, yes it feel so good.
    Now here the deal .I'm you and your me. After a weeks teaching these people I'll be gone. And I'll have a career that I should had. I
    You can't they'll find out.
    Your kidded. I can teach them just as well. As you.
    But, but I don't how to be a girl.
    I give to some knowledge of being a girl. So being a bit horny. Is those monthly period. So you have watch out.
    Watch or what.
    Well you might get pregnant before your 18.
    So could help you if you want. Or I could let your feminine feeling run is course. Before you learn control .
    What could I do. Either let my new feeling go rampage. Or being taught to be a girl.
