Wednesday 18 September 2024

Give me back my life now.

Jonathan's parents had money.

Jonathan was a terrible student at school.

Jonathan did not need or deserve the scholarship.

But Jennifer did not want Mary the brightest but purist student in the school to get it.

So despite having terrible grades, he's somehow got it.

Everybody knew his mummy and daddy had just bought it for him.

Mary was extremely pissed off.

She needed a scholarship to make a better life for herself.

She had no Mummy and Daddy to buy anything she was an orphan.

She had to survive on her own merits.

She pledged her soul to anybody listening if they could give what she deserved.

They developed him from her and offered her a life of ease look for and whatever she wanted for her immortal soul.

She signed on the dotted line and waited for her life to change.

24 hours later it changed dramatically.

She awoke as Jonathan was in his college-door room.

She was standing in front of the mirror examining her new male body when the devil appeared in front of her again.

She looked at him and said what have you done to me?

He just said I have given you everything you wanted.

You are now rich successful and have the scholarship you deserve.

While Jonathan, who deserves none of it, is inside your body living your home drum life and working your dead-end job.

She looked at the devil and said Couldn't you just turn me into a successful woman?

The devil looked at her and said to get ahead in the business you must have a depth between your legs.

You will get nowhere with a vagina.

She could see the logic in that and understood what he was saying.

She told the devil but what if  Jonathan tells somebody who he is?

The devil smiled and said he was unable to tell anybody who was.

Only you and him know what happened.

He knows you and him have swapped bodies and lives.

He knows he cannot tell anybody about it.

He knows he is unable to try and improve his life.

He will be stuck working together and doing jobs.

He will never be able to improve his lot in life or himself.

In time he will get you to be a woman.

He will settle down and find himself off his husband.

He will push out three or four children and become a stay-at-home person struggling to make ends meet.

Why do I look like Mary!

How is this possible?

Where's my dick gone?

Who's ringing her?

I recognize that number.

It's mine!

Hello, who is this?

Is that you Mary?

Did you do this to us?


Why did you do this to me, Mary?

What have I ever done to you, Mary

You stole my scholarship just because I was poor but now you are.

 Give me back my body now or I will make you pay for it, Mary.

How will you make me pay for it, Jonathan? 

Or should I start calling you Mary?

I am now Jonathan freaking Collins.

My parents are the rich people in the town.

You're a poor young woman.

You are alone in the world with nobody but yourself.

You cannot even tell anybody who you are over me.

Whilst I'm living the high life in your body you will be working a dead-end job in mind.

 Enjoy your new life as I am going to be enjoying mine.

Bye-bye, and oh don't be late for work you've got bills now to pay Mary.


  1. Please, could you accept this story?

    A old man, loves to posses his neighbor's mom for his fun. The first time, It was 5 years ago, and every opportunity, he took her body. The last time he stole her body, he was trapped there, his original body died and he was trapped in this mature woman body, who lives with her teenage son. The good part, besides her body, It was the fact he could perfect pretend being her, her son doesnt suspect his mom is a perv old Man.

    First time in her body:

    The old man

    The host "mom"

  2. Request: in the future, we haver some people who stole and sells bodies in black market, unfortunately a single mom was victim from this people. Her son found her body and bring her to home, he doesn't imagine inside her body was his old creep neighbor
