Sunday 31 January 2021

Sophie Turner: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef who was working as a runner was surprised by the strange transformation that overcame him after he was touched by Sophie Turner.
He felt himself shrinking in height.
He felt himself losing muscle mass.
He felt his hips widening.
He felt his shoulders becoming more round.
He felt his arms and legs become slender and delicate.
He felt his feet shrinking.
He felt his face becoming more feminine.
His beard dropped out and his hair started to grow long past his ears.
He felt a strange sensation in his rear as his buttocks expanded. giving him a nice booty.
He felt too large mounds of flesh rapidly grow on his chest giving him a nice cleavage.
He felt his stomach become flatter and more firm.
Then the strangest thing happened to him of all.
His testicles disappeared back inside of his body.
His penis shriveled back inside of him.
He felt a strange burning sensation as he grew a vagina, ovaries, womb and vaginal canal.
He looked at Sophie Turner in shock and amazement.
He said to her in a voice that sounded just like hers what have you done to me.
She just smiled and said nothing that you did not want to happen to yourself.


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