Saturday 30 January 2021

It's gotta be here somewhere! By Rhodry

It was March the 7th 2020. I was a young researched. I was good real good at my job.

My next assignment to check out the book to see. What is just standards stuff. And what is consider more rare or valuable for special research, or put in a library archive.
I like many do the job. Most don't realized how long it takes.
Most are just common or average books, some are out of date books. That could consider to be put in storage, and make a copy for people read.
After a few weeks, he found several rare books that could be used for research.
But there was this one book. It was old, but there was many others that was more of value about it. This book was different, he looked it up, and found practically nothing about it.
Other than myths and legends.
Was it a rare find, maybe. If it is. He could be important, but he needed to check the book out, was it a fake.
No the book, the pages looked real. So the real time, is to check it out.
After a few hours of check it out.
Then where was a strange glow. Was it something wrong with the lights.
Then he felt tired so he closed his eyes.
He said to himself I'll closed my eyes. And I'll finished up.
When I closed my eyes. I seem like a few hours.
But felts like a few minutes.
When he heard a man's voice, when he opened then up. He saw a man in a tweed suits.
Are you okay, Miss Smyth he said.
He thought he said Miss Smyth.
I must be more tired, that I thought. He said.
He sounded strange. As the feeling being tied.
He went to faculty restroom, which is private to public.
Then he saw his face. But it wasn't his face.
It wasn't his body. He was dress like a female librarian. That was a shock alone.
When he started to look go back to the books.
Then he realized it, It looked look it was decades ago. But it looked new. Then he saw the date and year. It's about 67 years ago. It was March 7th 1953.
He is now a she, she a female librarian, she can't said anything, if she said that he was a time-traveler. From the early 21th century. And she was a he.
So she must, find that book, maybe it's some kind of portal or door sent you into another time and person.
So how long will it takes. Would they noticed me a girl in the 1950's. No, but do know as researched it will help me blend in . For the time.

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