Saturday 30 January 2021


Simon was surprised by how sexy Mrs Robinson there swap class teacher looked after he got her body out of her respectable clothes and into some sexy things and into some sexy things he found hidden at the back of his mums closet


  1. could you please create nice longer caption where i was transform into Lauren german

  2. Simon was fascinated with his a Miss Robinson, older math teacher.
    He didn't know why, there were several women teacher that younger, and pretty.
    But she that sorta a special aura about her, that unique to her. She that look of youth and that wisdom of age. She could easy pass for a woman half age.
    Excepted for style and choice of clothes. She could look pretty.
    He wanted her body. He wanted her body. In a sexy way.
    He wanted to have her. It like that old movie The Graduate.
    Well there was a flash of light strike him.
    But strike her too.
    Then they realized that there each other.
    It worked, it worked she said, we switched bodies.
    But how, why he said.
    Does it matter, she said.
    He thought of it. And said, not really but--!
    Before you finish you your sentence, I knew that you had a thing for me. Oh yes, I knew that you wanted me. I was sorta interested in you too.
    So sorts.
    Of sorta he said.
    Yes, I knew someone then I was much younger that look exactly like you.
    But he didn't want me.
    But why switch bodies.
    Why, did do this. Well I wanted your body.
    He want surprised.
    Not in that way. TO be that person. Even for short time.
    So, you borrow my body. Because you want to be a guy.
    Well yes, I miss being young again.
    You look great for age.
    How old do you think I am, she said.
    I don't know, about 45 nearly 50. But you look great for your age.
    My dear I'm about nearly about 90 years ago.
    Oh my, you look great. How could you that old and look great.
    Well, I sorta used some that youthful energy to keep me young.
    But you said that middle age. That was sorta a lie. If have I about in my mid-forty or 50's, I could get away. For looking so young.
    Beside today there allot people who look younger that they are.
    And doing this to those kids that is fascinated for awhile help me.
    SO I'm you for awhile, I said.
    Yes, so enjoy yourself.
    I will , I said.
    When arrived at her place, and enter her bedroom.
    I quickly removed her respectable clothes. And I search her closet. And discovered more sexy or club clothes.
    I looked at her more sexy clothes in her/my lingerie.
    And wondered stay here, and stared them. Or try them on and play dress up. Or go out in one her sexier clothes.
    I know I'm wanted her, but I don't it would safe if I did. But being her is enough for now.
    Want to but her being do this for long, time and she probably knew I might.
    That another thing.

  3. Great cap!!!


  4. Could you do one story, it's about one boy who lives with his mother, he always hated her boyfriend, he always thought there was something wrong with that man, but he couldnt explain. One day, his mom's boyfriend died inexplicably, and his mother begins to act strangely. Actually the boyfriend was one poor man that was body taken by one evil bodyhopper, unfortnaly, the kid's mom was his actual host. And he couldnt do anything to kick out the bodyhopper his mom body.

    Some pics:

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  5. Great cap! he still looks pretty good as her! I guess it's her that still looks good, while he's in her, but whatever! lol
