Saturday 20 July 2024

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Anonymous: 20.07.24

I had to give in.

By Anonymous

I never asked for this, I never to do, to wear anything girls wore from their most basic underwear like those cotton panties never mind those bras that girls had to wear to support their breasts, but the universe in its strange cosmic strangest threw a curveball. One day I WAS a guy, and the next I was a girl, actually a girl, physically and biologically, as well as mentally and emotionally. I hate that now I had to start to wear the plainest cotton panties. Which I had to wear, I had to sit down to pee, I hated everything about being about being a girl, the clothes which felt the feel of it. She didn't like the feel of it, he wore the most androgynous type of clothing that could be mistaken for boys' clothes. But it wasn't still right, never mind the dresses and skirts and the shoes that say girls and some of the colours, I never touched the makeup or the nylons, and don't get me about sex as a girl, which thought that I would never do, or let a guy, touch me or penetrated me, when I look at girls now, instead of getting excited, I had different feelings, I didn't hate them, but I felt a bit jealous, and I don't know why, I like girls, but more the BFF's or sister. This kept on going for several months, five or six months, he had those dreams, those strange sexual dreams, at first I could ignore them. But I couldn't resist it anymore. Each time I had those sexual dreams of me having carnal with a guy, them of weeklong nights have his panties being soaked with sexual excitement. Then I had to give up doing it for real, So took several hours to find the right dress, and the right pair of shoes, to put on his/her sexiest lingerie. Then he/she was researching for applying makeup. He/she found the right purse, so when everything he/she is great. He/she called for a cab. And told to go to the club, then he/she was ready to find a guy, not any guy, he/she needed to find the right one. After when he/she got to the club, she sat and ordered a drink or three. He/she was scanning to find the right guy, there were many and many cute guys, did he/she think that, yes, I guess I did. Then I started to get up I started to dance with one of those cute guys, then before I started to go to the dance floor, a guy noticed me, and said excuse me, would you like to dance. I looked at them, smiled, and said, of course, I would love to. So, after several hours, we decided to go to his place, I'm not saying we were both a bit drunk and a bit horny. So when we got there, I wanted to jump the moment we got there, I wanted to take him there, But he slowly moved to the bed. So I stripped him, and he stripped me. When got to bed. He layer me on the bed, he was over me slowly and he quickly sped up, then when he shot his jism into my vigia, I felt something so wonderful, it was both painful and pleasurable. Then a second and third, when I thought we had enough, he rolled to the other side. When morning came, I decided to stare at that cute guy that I slept with, and then I started to such his wonderful penis this was my first BJ never mind that it was my first carnal tryst. When I dressed and was ready to leave, the guys asked me my name. I told him, it's Ellen I said, this was the first time, I embraced my womanhood. For the first time, I enjoyed being a girl now. Thou wore dresses and skirts and heels more and more. Thou still dresses like a tomboy, well a pretty tomboy.

Torture and pleasure.

By Anonymous

I was always bullied in the office because I was a bit of a nerd, I wasn't very handsome,, I was plain, what I lacked in looks I made up in brains, I was gifted, maybe more than that I was a genius, I intensely miss several of the questions to down to make me smart enough, but not be ultra smart. Many of the girls the girls tolerate me, but several of the girls and a few of the guys plainly don't like me, because I make them look stupid. Probably when they were in high they were those kids that right-looking people who get by their apparency they weren't the greatest in their field of choice, So they blame me or someone like me, But I was secretly working on a special project to get back on those people for good. I tricked those who desired it I decided to switch the boys into girls and the girls into boys I increased the former girls into boys a little smarter4, and messed with both groups. The new girls were a bit sexually excited okay horny, that they needed to drink semen to get into their tummies they could go for several days without some semen was my only, I made sure, they begged me for it, and I made sure that there some of there former selves in that beautiful girl. I wanted them to know that they were penis-sucking sex-crazy girls. Eventually, they succumbed to it or crawled into the back of their minds, And this was barely a week or two it would be amusing how long they chose all of them to totally want to drink my semen. Well, this going to be fun.

How the hell did this happen?

By Anonymous

Benjamin loved to go to yard sales, you never know what might find there, this time he found this old film camera, and it had several left in the roll. He buys it. And thought I was worth the cost of it. One he knew a place that still could develop it. And transferred to both digital and paper print. So he experimented with what he wanted to take photos of. So took a shot or two. Nothing happened, Benjamin was hoping that it could work still. But it is still a good antique. Then He noticed his hands looked different almost feminine in nature, but not only that he was dressed in a 1960s-style bath suit and a bikini. Then Benjamin noticed a mirror, of a girl holding an old-style camera and wearing a bikini. Then Benjamin realized that he err she was the one holding the camera. Everything looked sort of like a 1960's version of the 2024. Benjamin couldn't understand it. It doesn't make sense of it. Then he/she noticed a manor and a guy that looked like Hugh Heffer. But that doesn't make sense he's in his 80s or '90s, but he looked as young as he did when he started it, there were dozens and dozens of Playboy bunnies and dozens and dozens of girls in those girls in 19060s style bikinis. So Benjamin this crazy he/she thought, It like he/she was transported into another reality. It was the same and different at the same time. I need to figure things out. How and why, at the moment Benjamin is enjoying it for the moment. But who am I, I don't my name here, or that I'm a Playboy bunny or a guest. Well, I have to go slowly either, I have hundreds of questions. But that I another story.

The mother I should always have been

By Anonymous

There were two things that Jason wanted one was to be a girl, actually a girl and the other was to get pregnant to have a child to grow inside of his feminine body. He tried to be a swapped surrogate, but for some reason, he was refused to be part of the swap surrogate project they said that it was for psychological reasons. But Jason knew differently. So he went to the web to find it. Let's call her Eve (not her real name or stage name). Eve got into softcore porn, she was a good actress and a bit of a prostitute. She was tired of it thou; she had a pretty face and a slightly large bust, she was tired that was more of her looks and bust than, her skills. So when Jason and Eve met online. They were talking online for several weeks, until they both agreed to the swap into each other's bodies, a week later, Jason and Eve made plans, for their new lives, about a day or so later in a backstreet swap clinic. Jason was now Eve' she called herself Jocelyn, and Eve called himself Mark. A few hours later Mark started enjoying himself as a guy. Jocelyn started on her plan, she went to a sperm bank that stored sperm and eggs, for future parents. So, Jocelyn went to that place, before Jocelyn was Jocelyn she stored a good amount of sperm. So she took a sample of her sperm and had it implanted with some of her former male self. So within eight- or nine months later Jocelyn was nearly six or seven months pregnant and a few more months. She would give birth to her first child, she was both father and mother. Which gave Jocelyn a smile to herself. She allowed a couple of samples of her sperm. She allowed the rest of her sperm to another couple, maybe she find a guy for her next child, but she'll deal with it much later,

It is just so different.

By Anonymous

It had been several weeks since it happened that Jack was now a girl, a female, a woman, but he didn't feel like one, thou, he looked like one and sounded like one, that feeling inside Jack said differently. Each time he wore a dress and heels, he felt like a fake. When the day turned into weeks and months, Jack felt more and more like herself, Jack even thought of herself as a girl more and more. Slowly but surely, it felt more and more natural to wear dresses and walk in heels, She even experimented with different makeup styles. She started to enjoy those girl shopping trips and the girl nights out. Then there was those dares, a bet that you couldn't give him a BJ and get him into bed, to get her knickers(panties) off her hips. Ride him like an expert In that moment Jack was now Jacklynn.

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