Monday 15 July 2024

How the hell did this happen?

Benjamin had bought the Old camera at a garage sale.

He collected quirky old things like that.

When he got it at home he started to clean it.

He noticed there was still a role of film inside it.

It still had several shots left on it.

He fought he would use them up before taking them out and getting them developed to see what was on them.

He headed outside to his backyard to photograph the trees and the Blue Sky.

He pressed the button.

But nothing happened.

He looked down at the camera wondering why nothing had happened when he pressed the button.

It took him a couple of seconds to realise something had happened.

He now had a very feminine hand.

He could discover it wasn't just its hands that were very feminine.

He was now a woman wearing a bikini.

A very 60s-style bikini.

He then noticed he was not in his backyard anymore.

His backyard did not have a pool and several men and women cavorting and having fun.

Then a man in a red bathroom and a captain's hat walked out of the large mansion.

He recognized the man.

It was Hugh Hefner.

Then he realized he was making a B line for him.

He looked up when you have the shouted Sully are you not joining?

Somehow he had been sent back in time and he was now a woman at a Playboy Mansion party with Hugh Hefner.


  1. A middle aged mother has a identity crisis after the divorce with her ex husband. The plot twist, she was actually her old neighbor Mr. Smith, who was a shapeshifter who erased his own memories to start a new life, at the end discovered his true Nature. And decide to stay because of her son, make a bond with the kid, like mom and son.

  2. Benjamin loved to go to yard sale's, you never know what might find there , this time he found this old film camera, and it had several left in the roll. He buy it. And thought I was worth the cost of it. One he knew a place that still could develop it. And transferred to both digital and paper print. So he experiment what he could wanted to take photos. So took a shot or two. Nothing happen, Benjamin was hoping that it could work still. But it still a good antique still. Then He noticed his hands looked different almost feminine in nature, but not only that his was dressed in a 1960's style bath suit a bikini. Then Bejamin noticed a mirror , of a girl holding a old-style camera and will a bikini. Then Bejamin realized that he err she the one holding the camera. Everything looked sort of looked like a 1960's version the 2024. Benjamin couldn't understand it. It doesn't make sense of it. Then he/she noticed a manor and a guy that looked like Hugh Heffer. But that doesn't make sense he's in his 80's or 90's, but he looked as young as he did when he started it, there where dozen and dozen of playboy bunnies and dozen and dozen girls in those girls in the 19060's style bikini's. So Benjamin this crazy he/she thought, It like he/she was transported into a another reality. Like it was the same and different the same time. This I need to figure things out. How and why, at the moment Benjamin is enjoy it for the moment. But who am I , I don't my name here, or that I'm a playboy bunny or a guest. Well I to go slowly either, I have hundreds of questions. but that I another story.
