Thursday, 30 November 2023

Blog Update: 30.11.23

Hi there! I hope you're enjoying the current stories and their layout. If there's a specific type of story you'd like to see, please let me know.


  1. I would like to see a story where body parts change

  2. Can you make a caption where a 25 year old guy named Jordan has his body stolen by a milf and has to adjust to her life

  3. Actually story in image format is not that great
    Putting relevant images in between 2 paragraph will help
    While narrating one scenario use multiple images which will help to visualize it

  4. I Would like to see some more mother and son swap stories or dad and Son's girlfriend swap stories

    1. Hi there I will do my best to add more of these stories to my collection.

      Please also keep an eye out for my other channels.


  5. I would like to see a story where a man’s wife or girlfriend has their body stolen by either a bully, or just in general someone evil who then threatens to use the new body to commit sultry acts.

  6. Oh one where a swap class nerd ends up in your gf’s body would be cool!
