Friday 19 May 2023

The green eyed monster

Alan who had been planning a second honeymoon stood in the small bedroom of his yachty and squeezed his body into the tight-fitting one piece bathing suit that belong to Emma once again.

He took a deep breath as he zipped it up as far as it would go.

He said to himself I will find a gender fish today not really feeling confident as he had been looking for one for almost six weeks now.

Emma who had used the extract from the gender fish she had caught last time to punish her husband  who she thought was cheating on her due to all the sneaking about he has been doing lately as he planned a secret second Honeymoon for them.

Emma shouted down how are you doing honey.

Alan felt the bitchiness growing inside of him fought back a nasty reply and said I am ok.

His Emma feeling the tension in his voice sheltered down I am sorry.

I should have known you would never cheat on me.

I should have trusted you.

Alan took a deep breath and said it's okay I understand.

Being a woman for the last 6 weeks as opened my eyes to the complexity of being a woman.

I now know women always feel jealous doubtful nervous angry and uneasy.

I now know women have trust issues and don't usually think when they think they're being cheated on they just react.

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