Sunday 30 April 2023

Guest Publication 30.04.23 By Rhodry


Anthony was a little self-conscious and nervous, that his mate were looking at him as a girl. Well technically he is a girl actually now, physically and biologically one. Anthony had discovered his ability to change in a girl, either a copy as one, or feminine version of one.

How did one his friend discover it. Well by accident he change into a girl in front of him. He was a bit surprised and shocked, then had a great idea to use it, in certain ways, so he decided to prove it. To somewhere other friends like they could trust. SO Anthony was seen entering the room, and about 20 minutes later, Anthony turned himself into feminine version of himself he looked like his sister if had a sister.

Okay now do you believe me now he/she said. One of them said, nah it can't be if it was he did a great job looking like a girl. Look like one, I am one, well for now I am, here look, as he/she pulled my his/her sweater, to expose, His/her feminine assets, you see now.

THEN one of them said could I touch them, he said. If you must, then he just touch it, then he moved his hand back. They're real, they're freaking real. He said. Is, is, are you the same down, there to. Then Anthony said, no way, I'm not going to take off my pants for you. Okay if I give you five pounds will to do it. make it 10 pounds and I'm do it. As he unbuckled his/her pants. He/she wear feminine lingerie that looked at male as possible. As his/her checked it, and touched it. Oh, oh my its. its real.

Then Anthony pulled up his/her pants and put his/her breasts back in his/her sweater. Okay you had your fun now. Then he started to go back to his room and change back, then one said what are you doing now. Well for one I'm changing back to myself, you had your fun now. And make some money. So it over, he said.

Want I have a great, idea, we can make some money. And have some fun. How he said. Well, I know I few who would drooling over touch they favourite girl or taken some picture their breasts. Well, I don't know and I'm not going tell them. No, you get it we changer then to get the right get picture or touch them. I'm not sure I don't how long I can hold it. Come on, it will be fun.

I told you to put it away.

Tommy was 40-something year old janitor, he never had any real skills to do anything, he basically was that person, who than natural ability to look at something once or soon, and was able to learn it. But he never was noticed or discovered. Then while working at laboratory. He was doing his job, cleaning the place. Then I happy it was either, he hit something or the beaker was to close to the edge. A large amount of what looked like water. spilled on him.

As he safe as much as possible as possible. And then had to change his shirt, luckily, he had a spare work shirt or two. As he when to change his shirt, it suddenly felt more looser or bulker. As he removed it, he noticed that he looked different now, more feminine with a shoulder length hair, he even looked feminine in a plain way. Timmy knew that wasn't the most masculine guy. Maybe a bit feminine in a plain way. But he saw, he looked much younger, maybe twenty or mid-twenties. THEN he saw his chest there a set of feminine breasts. He thought he was a little flabby. But no, he had a pair of feminine breasts. Then he had to remove his pants off him. His hips were wither, he waist narrow, his legs were more feminine. And his male genitals were gone, he had a newly formed vagnia was there now, as he looked at himself. His he was trying to figure things out.

Then a few things that happen, his mind was clearer, sharper. And other thing was a technician was wondering what to him, what happened next, the technician realized that, this half-naked girl was there janitor Tommy, a girl now. What next is another story now.

No choice but to give in!

Mandy was a practicing witch, and cast a spell, what it was originally for. Or so I told.

To but it simply I was my sister Sarah and Sarah was now me, Anthony. Many said that she sorry, but it might take awhile, maybe a month or so. I didn't like the idea of me, being a girl, it felt weird and strange, that I am a girl, special that I'm staring at myself. while she is looking at me too. So Sarah taught me how to be a girl, she suggested, that I jump into wearing dresses at beginning. But I said no I maybe stuck as a girl. But I not going to wear dresses at all. But after to she said. Okay, lets start simply like some legging and Cordos or jeans, but you have wear dresses, once in awhile okay. I hate it, but I agreed to it.

For nearly four week, Sara as me, choice my clothes, and switch or but back the ones, that was less girly to me. Then about the forth week, I got pretty good at dresses as a girl, not as good as her, but good enough, then I decided to go to Mandy to see, if she got something to return us back. I also wondering when Sarah/Anthnoy was at the time, she gave me a note that she has to do something at time, will see you later. That boy, he has got planed. Then I thought what did i said that, she err he was as he was wearing a dress low heels, that she likes it when she saw it. I don't remember that it in Sarah/My clothes, she thought.

Then when I arrived to check out Mandy's got a idea of how, to switch as back. When i arrived to Mandy house. Mandy was in the kitchen, I said to her. She hello they, Sarah she said. It's Anthony did you forget now. No, I didn't forget I know its you Anthnoy sorry Sarah. You right the first time, I said. No, I forget. Sarah, she said. Well you know where is Sarah, I said, Yes, I do know where he is. She is. Well were is she, I said. Well he seen he girlfriend. She said. What girlfriend, I said. You know the one that likes girls at times and boys too you know, she one. I never knew my sister like that. As she said that she came close and closer to me. I tried to moved back. Then I couldn't move any further, she that I looked nice, I said thank you. Did Anthony pick it out. I said no, I did, then she kissed me, I knew Mandy was gay. I probably always. But she knew that, I wasn't Sarah. I tried tell her. But she said she knew, and she had a sorta a thing for me. She like me, but we could be only friends. But now, she looks at me, in a different, I want it to stop, but there something , wrong, off somehow. BUT my feelings all messed up. As she raised my skirt and lower my knickers off my waist. She when down there and lick my/her vagnia She hit my/her clitoris. Within a few minutes, I felt it, oh gods I felt it, it, it was amazing. Then when she was gone, she put my knickers back on my waist, and lower my skirt to is place.

Then she said welcome Sarah, to your life now. I wasn't sure that i complete understood it, but there was something of me, that change, I don't mean the physical or biological part of me. But the mental and emotion. I don't think I can go back. To being a guy again. I saw Sarah as me. I confessed that I had sex with Mandy, and enjoyed it, I don't I want to be a guy again. Well if your confessing thing, I don't wanted to a girl again either. And hate tell you this, you could switch with me anyway either. As my brother said that I was both puzzled and glad. After I hate the fact that I am a girl. I could think not being one. (Note what did they mean by that, but that is another story in itself now.)

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