Monday 24 April 2023

I told you to put it away.

40-year-old Tommy was working as a night janitor at a pharmaceutical company.

Whilst cleaning one of the labs he accidentally spilled a bottle of liquid on himself.

He assumed it was just water but when his chest started to burn an ache and feel like it was being crushed he started getting worried.

He opened his shirt as quickly as possible and was shocked to find that he had a flat stomach curvy waste large hips and a pair of breasts.

It was only when he had completely stripped himself naked that he discovered he had little legs and a perfectly formed vagina.

Unbeknown to him he had just accidentally spilled concentrated female essence on which was designed to help women regain youth and vitality and would completely transform a man into a woman inside and out.



  1. Tommy was 40-something year old janitor, he never had any real skills to do anything, he basically was that person, who than natural ability to look at something once or soon, and was able to learn it. But he never was noticed or discovered. Then while working at laboratory. He was doing his job, cleaning the place. Then I happy it was either, he hit something or the beaker was to close to the edge. A large amount of what looked like water. spilled on him.
    As he safe as much as possible as possible. And then had to change his shirt, luckily, he had a spare work shirt or two. As he when to change his shirt, it suddenly felt more looser or bulker. As he removed it, he noticed that he looked different now, more feminine with a shoulder length hair, he even looked feminine in a plain way. Timmy knew that wasn't the most masculine guy. Maybe a bit feminine in a plain way. But he saw, he looked much younger, maybe twenty or mid-twenties. THEN he saw his chest there a set of feminine breasts. He thought he was a little flabby. But no, he had a pair of feminine breasts. Then he had to remove his pants off him. His hips were wither, he waist narrow, his legs were more feminine. And his male genitals were gone, he had a newly formed vagnia was there now, as he looked at himself. His he was trying to figure things out.
    Then a few things that happen, his mind was clearer, sharper. And other thing was a technician was wondering what to him, what happened next, the technician realized that, this half-naked girl was there janitor Tommy, a girl now. What next is another story now.
