I'm sorry I treated you like this babe.
Samuel wasn't the best of men, he thought, he was in charger in the marriage, He got the first and last say in the argument. If can call it that, Samuels wife Megan was basic loved him sorta, But Megan had found a way to turn the tables on him. She got a special book on magic studies it, a few week later when she believe that she was ready, She put her plan to action. As she knew, that Samuel could never keep his word or keep it. In a moment, as he was himself. And in that moment or was it several minutes or hours or so, Samuel was now his wife, and his wife was now him now.
Before he realize it, his wife now in his body, but when he was her now, he demanded that, she changes them back, to there normal bodies immediately. Megan now Samuel said one word it is NO. When Samuel now Megan, heard, his wife refused to he got angry, he/she tried to hit her in his body. But she/he stop it, buy grabbing, his/her feminine hand. She/he held it tightly. He/she tried to pulled away, he/she said ow, ow that hurt, you bitch.
Bitch she/he said, now listen, you will stay as you are now. In my body, you will do what you are told, and behave as a good little girl, you will cook and clean the house, do the shopping, you will dress nice and proper for me. When I return home from work. You with do it happily and pleasantly. And how long will this last, Samuel said as masculine as possible in a feminine tone. Well I think originally a month, but the way you acted two months she/he said. Two months, he/she was about to said something. Megan/Samuel that would like it to be more she/he said. He/she said, no. Then she/he said no what. Then he/she said, no dear, with a hard r- sound. Good you start now, if you like now. No thank you, I'm tired from work, dear he/she said. Okay I'll give you that, but tomorrow, I want you do your job as a wife now.
Then Samuel/Megan somehow know he/she her job as housewife, he/she did the job as best as possible, he/she knew that he/she could do it better but he/she had the problem going WOMAN'S WORK. But he/she had to do fair job. If he wanted to be back to his male body. Samuel as Megan had plan to get his wife back. DO good wife thing, pretend to submitted to it, she is just a woman, she'll believe anything. Nearly 7 weeks later, Samuel/Megan was pretend to do everything that he was told, to best that his male ego allowed. But when it was about two days to go. Samuel make a bad cup of tea.
THEN Megan/Samuel wasn't surprise that Samuel/Megan slipped up to much to many time for the last several days. Samuel/Megan surprised that she/he didn't the tea, he/she tried to said sorrow. But Megan/ Samuel pulled down to the floor. She/he pulled his/her skirts over her waist and pulled down his/her knicker's(panties) down to off her waist. Now your going to learn that, you think that you can fool me, because I'm a woman. You think that I'm simply, I was half hoping for that maybe that you'll learn something, but I knew that you male ego.
What, what did I, I do wrong now, he/she said. You know doing as minimal as possible relaxed, not learning a thing now. Now you can thank yourself to add two months, now a other month too now. Samuel/Megan screamed no, no how could she know, how could she figure it out. As Megan/Samuel starting to thrust her/his male organ into his/her vagina. He/she didn't want this experiences this feeling being penetrated as a girl. By a man, man that is his wife. Another three I, I was to careful about it. As his/her wife, using his body. Was gone wrong.
Good by to me.
Anthony didn't know that his girlfriend Sarah is a witch, actual witch, with knowledge and power. An potion etc., etc. But I thought she met as a believe that was is than, that a witch is like different type of human being. That where similar but difference.
She like me, became I have a perfect body, tone, tight body. She admire me, but I did know at the time how much. She used a bit magic on me, that I wanted her. I wanted her so, so bad. So she suggested that we should make love under the full moon. I agreed to do it. As we were in the middle of the woods, we disrobe. We were stock naked. As she laid down, on strange cloth with strange symbols and sigils, As she spoke a strange arcane language. As then I lowered myself to her. As I put in male thing in her beautiful body. Then I lowered to thrust into her vagina, I slowly build up momentum to the moment of ecstasy, I and she scream. At the same time, the moon was at the highest point.
As I screamed so did Sarah to. They my vision was blurted, I was she scream and hold my arms too. Then as the exotic pleasure, finely washed over me. My vision cleared, but I thought I was imagining things, I was looking at myself.
But then my head started to clear, I wasn't imagining things. Somehow, she was me, and I was her. She/he got my/her body. And started to get dressed in my/her/his clothes, she/he looked at me, and smiled boardy, and said that she/he thanked me for my/her/his body now. As I started get some sense, I said that, I'll tell everyone that you---. Sarah/Anthony finished my sentence. That your girlfriend is a witch, that she body swapper or is it mind swapped from you. That she stole your body. GO, go ahead. Please do, but the time you got dressed and found someone it will be to late, what, what do you mean. I mean that it will take a while for you to adjust to a girl. I, I don't want to be a girl, I said. Well tough, they are dozens and dozens of things you need to known, for you to adjust be a girl. Why, why do I want it, that, that feeling that need too. Have it, then she/he pulled it out, and I wanted it, I really wanted it, so, so badly. As I sucked, his penis, I , I felt something, that, that is right, but not. Then Sarah now Anthony pat my head, soon you won't remember it. All she'll remember what I care to her to remember now. Okay Sarah, I know that your a little kinks now. She pouted a bit and said that you didn't like sex under the full moon, now she said. As I smiled she'll never know that truth now.
I like this.
Morris was a banker about 45-years in financial, he was good at his job but he had a problem with public speaking, one on one, at lease about three or four people he could do it. But more than that he had problems with it. A fear more or less. He didn't know why, he had problem with people.
So he sent to specialist unique way to cure his problems, he was asked million questions, well several thousand questions. The solution was unique, was to take a few weeks off. But the reason why was strange, that he inhabit a body of young woman. And do her job, for the moment he thought it was crazy to even suggest it. He saw that, do you want to be cure your problem now. He said yes, I do. But why being a girl now. Because you need to experiences what it like being someone else. SO I week later. Morris is now for a time a young 24-year-old girl name Candice (Candi) a dancer in a club. Morris/Candi was at first nerves, but when he/she when at the stage he/she automatically started to dance, it was scared, exciting and frilling at the same time. As the week finished Morris/Candi was less versus, still excited and frilled. At first he/she could understand why girls did this at all then, he/she realize the excitement, frills, joy, the power she has over people.
And the money she is get she could do anything, she retire even before thirty. Then Morris did some that was him, that she wanted to stay as Candi, she realized that is her Candi, not Morris. The strangest thing the owner of this body, wanted to stay as Morris as guy. That she or he better at do it, and she does want to be a man now and forever, this made them both happy. Candi now Morris asked that, if it was okay to see her work, i never saw myself, dance. Morris now Candi said why not, it's unusually, but our situation is unusually now. Would want a drink later to toast our new life, from a stripper, Candi said, you mean dancer he said. Sorry, I been only a girl a short time now, I still those male terms in me.
Doing his turn on the the catwalk.
Harry didn't like the idea of it, he didn't like the idea being turning into a girl even temporary one, he wished his girlfriend found a replacement model. Than being the replacement. She that the spell the transfiguration is basically cosmetic, he looks like a model physical, but there a problem. But I don't it a problem she said now get out there and strut your stuff. After near two- or three-hours Harry/Haliey as he was called.
When he when out there on the stage it was almost like automatically like it was naturally for him to be dress as girl. He couldn't wait for it to be over.
But when it was time for he to be a guy, his girlfriend Mercedes told him, something that both a problem and good thing at same time. He didn't like to be a girl as long possible he said. Well what I wanted to tell you that, I got a extra three weeks, and they liked you Haliey to be in the show. One who is Haliey, Harry said. Well I couldn't say that I change my boyfriend into a girl for a show can't I, she said. And two if you do it, you get paid well for a few weeks work. Then he said I don't care how much, i get paid. Then Mercedes showed him a figure. He couldn't believe how much just strutting his stuff as a girl. If he stays as a girl for three weeks, he can do have long, vacation or do thing without worries about things. So Harry became the flux model name Haliey. As weeks ends, Harry err Haliey started to enjoyed it so, so much. She became a natural as a model a girl. She still her girlfriend, and she loved her still. But occassely with men at time. If Haliey want it to be permanently she must have girl sex with a guy, in flux vagina,
She wasn't sure that either she wants to be a guy or permanently a girl. At moment, she enjoying being Mercedes girlfriend/lover/model than being boyfriend or girlfriend. She loved her life, maybe she'll stop and become a complete girl in a few years. When Haliey was with guys it was for fun only. The only sex was lesbian sex for the time.
I need you man!
Anthnoy had really been patient about this.
He and his friend Patrick was in love with him, it wasn't a gay thing, which Patrick didn't think so, it was something else, it was sorta spiritual, so a essence thing. That he was a boy, a guy, but didn't think or feel like that. He felt like a girl. But he felt that surgery was more cosmetic than actual being one.
Then on that day things happen to Patrick, he was going thou what you might a reverse puberty, well that best you could call it now. Within a week or two Patrick became actual girl physically and biologically too. Within that time Patrick learn how dress and act and become a girl, which she is. But the mental and emotion state was more boy than girl. Patrick took the name of Petra. But she still felt more a he, than a she. Within two month she went from tomboy to girl or casual girl, to more girly-girl at times.
But Petra was still Patrick is there, and felt it wasn't yet time. Anthony knew this but he could never be with her as a guy. But when he became a she, Anthony saw Patrick as Petra in a different way, He saw her as friend, and probably more than that.
On the third month Petra before she was Petra. Body and mind. But didn't feel like that, but something, was happen to her. She started to except the fact, she is a she physically, biologically, then her mental and emotional state of expectant of it. But one thing that she couldn't handle it. Was her hormones, for weeks, she couldn't stand it, at first but after several weeks later, then she reality it. She wanted him, she wanted him badly, then she said she was ready for it. When he arrivered home, she was ready well almost ready, she took off her skirt, removed her shoes, took off her thigh-high, she still had her blouse on, her lingerie on, and sat on the bed. Then she was starting do her nickers(panties). He grabs them and nearly pulled them off hard. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled his manhood. Petra, grab it kissed it. And then she wanted him to put in her. A hour or two, they finished they both wanted. Then Petra took him that she him so baddy, he said knew even from before. I knew that you wanted me, I guess I knew. Is it different now I'm a girl now. He answered yes and no. Part of me, known that, but I probably knew you were Petra then and now. DO you want to do it, again. She said. Can you want I'm only a guy still. She yes, you are, she said smiles, what about two from now, I guess I control myself until them she said.
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