Wednesday 19 April 2023

Good by to me.

Anthony did not know his girlfriend Sarah was a witch until it was too late.

She had been looking for the perfect male body to take and she had found it in him.

She used a little bit of love magic to make him fall in love with her.

He just thought she was being kinky when she said she wanted to make love to him tonight underneath the full moon.

As they made love underneath the full moon with a roaring fire behind them he felt his soul slipping out of his body and entering hers.

Before he knew it he could feel his own cock between his legs pounding away as the breasts on his chest jiggled up and down.

He tried to scream out but all that came out was a satisfied sexual mode.

After she emptied herself inside of him he slid off her panting on the ground.

She looked at him lying their overwhelmed by aftershocks or sexual pleasure and said thanks for the body.

She dressed and walked off into the night leaving him there naked panting and unable to get to his feet and follow her trapped forever now in her body.


  1. Anthnoy didn't know that his girlfriend Sarah is a witch, actual witch, with knowledge and power. An potion etc., etc. But I thought she met as a believe that was is than, that a witch is like different type of human being. That where similar but difference.
    She like me, became I have a perfect body, tone, tight body. She admire me, but I did know at the time how much. She used a bit magic on me, that I wanted her. I wanted her so, so bad. So she suggested that we should make love under the full moon. I agreed to do it. As we were in the middle of the woods, we disrobe. We were stock naked. As she laid down, on strange cloth with strange symbols and sigils, As she spoke a strange arcane language. As then I lowered myself to her. As I put in male thing in her beautiful body. Then I lowered to thrust into her vagina, I slowly build up momentum to the moment of ecstasy, I and she scream. At the same time, the moon was at the highest point.
    As I screamed so did Sarah to. They my vision was blurted, I was she scream and hold my arms too. Then as the exotic pleasure, finely washed over me. My vision cleared, but I thought I was imagining things, I was looking at myself.
    But then my head started to clear, I wasn't imagining things. Somehow, she was me, and I was her. She/he got my/her body. And started to get dressed in my/her/his clothes, she/he looked at me, and smiled boardy, and said that she/he thanked me for my/her/his body now. As I started get some sense, I said that, I'll tell everyone that you---. Sarah/Anthony finished my sentence. That your girlfriend is a witch, that she body swapper or is it mind swapped from you. That she stole your body. GO, go ahead. Please do, but the time you got dressed and found someone it will be to late, what, what do you mean. I mean that it will take a while for you to adjust to a girl. I, I don't want to be a girl, I said. Well tough, they are dozens and dozens of things you need to known, for you to adjust be a girl. Why, why do I want it, that, that feeling that need too. Have it, then she/he pulled it out, and I wanted it, I really wanted it, so, so badly. As I sucked, his penis, I , I felt something, that, that is right, but not. Then Sarah now Anthony pat my head, soon you won't remember it. All she'll remember what I care to her to remember now. Okay Sarah, I know that your a little kinks now. She pouted a bit and said that you didn't like sex under the full moon, now she said. As I smiled she'll never know that truth now.

    1. One Sarah planned this carefully, was she interested in Anthony, yes in his body, but not it sexually thing well sorta. So she cast a spell so that, he wants her sexually in the woods under a full moon at is zeniths, Within those several minutes, she is he, he becomes she, but there is more, she cast a spell that he thinks is her. Its the new Sarah of have sex in the forest under a full moon.
