Monday 7 November 2022

You will do what you're told young lady!

Daniel is a street father who made sure his daughter obeyed every rule in the house.

He told her that she could not go to the homecoming dance with her boyfriend as he was a creep.

Sarah screamed at him you don't know what it's like to be me but I wish you did.

The next morning father and daughter awoken each other's bodies in each other's beds.

It being Saturday they had until Monday to undo whatever this was.

Sarah was only too happy to see her father struggling in her body.

Sarah was in no rush in finding a way to undo it.

When Monday morning roll around her father had to go to school in her body.

She dressed him prettily and did his hair and make-up and told him who to speak to and who not to speak to.

She made sure that he understood to only to use the girls toilets and the girls locker room.

The following three weeks was a nightmare for him.

Coping with her hormonal teenage female body.

Her menstrual cycle halfway through his second week in her body.

her brain dead friends.

doing school work and putting up with her boyfriend would love to kiss him and squeeze his ass.

he so desperately wanted to break up with him but his daughter had told him he would regret it if he did.

so he had no choice but to put up with him and pretend that he loves him.

he did not think it could get any worse then his daughter broke the news to him that he was going to the big spring summer dance.

Daniel just sat there shaking his head and said there's no way I'm going to a dance with your boyfriend.

You know I disapprove of him and your relationship with him.

He's a massive creep who no doubt he expect something at the end of it.

Sarah just looked at her father and told him he was going and he was going to like it or she would cut off his allowance and stop his car privileges.

He just looked at his daughter in his body wondering if she was being serious and from the look on her face he could tell she was.

He just threw his hands up in the air and said being a teenage girl really stocks.

He stormed out of the living room in a right hissy fit ran up the stairs slammed his bedroom door and threw himself on the bed.


  1. ### second part request ###
    Waiting for the second part where daughter's boyfriend fucks father hard. Now father has become a slut who love to give blowjob and getting fucked from behind.

  2. ### Third part request ###
    Now daughter in body of father was observing her father who's now dolling up in make-up, started wearing slutty clothes and started openly do things with boyfriend. This made daughter jealous as she still in love with her bf. She told father this and mutually the told this to boyfriend who was happy to fuck both father and daughter at the same time.
