Sunday 6 November 2022

What are you doing? requested by Anonymous


Ralf was unaffected by the great shift but the same could not be said about his mother.

Her body was now inhabited by their neighbour 69 year old Tony Smith.

Mr. Smith is a strange perverted old man.

He wasted no time in getting used to being inside Ralf's Mum's body.

To Ralf's dislike and discomfort.

He would walk around the house naked.

He would play with himself in front of him and dress up in her secret sexy outfits.

Today when he got home from school he found his neighbour standing half naked in the living room playing with himself.

When Ralph asked him what he was doing he just looked at him and said:

Ralf your mom's body is SEXY!

I didn't know she likes stuff like this!

Mr Smith what are you wearing!

Why have you not got any knickers on?

Ralf I found it in the back of your mom's closet.

I also found this!

Ralph could take it no longer.

He left Mr Smith to his pleasure and his fun.

He really hoped the Great Shift would be undone soon and his mother would be back in her body.

Sadly she was never found.

He let Mr Smith moved in so he could keep an eye on him.

Which in hindsight was a bad idea as Mr Smith was always torturing him with his mom's body.

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