Sunday 6 November 2022

Taylor Swift: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had always wanted to be like the singer Taylor Swift. 

He wanted to be female beautiful and talented.

He wanted people to stare at him when he walked past.

He wanted people to be jealous that they were not him.

He wished on a shooting star one night to be her.

He went to bed that night hoping this time around it would be granted.

He awoke the next morning to the shock of his life.

When he pulled back the bed covers he discovered he was all female.

After the initial shock and surprise of it he got out of bed on unsteady legs feeling overstimulated after playing with his new equipment.

He asked his Alexa for the news update has he stood in the bathroom staring at his new body.

According to the news this had happened all around the world.

People had just turned into their fantasies.

After reporting his change and going through all the government red tape of registering his new identity.

He got a job being Taylor’s body double. 

He did the jobs and promotions she did not want to do.

It was a good easy comfortable life for him now and he was happy.

Hold that pose Josef
That's perfect.

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