Sunday 6 November 2022

Still addicted: requested by Anonymous


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Thomas had been a down-and-out alcoholic for the past 45 years.

Everyday consisted of the same things.

Crawling out of wherever he had slept.

Sitting on the street begging for loose change.

Buying a bottle and drinking his sorrows away.

But that all changed after the Great Shift putting in the body of a middle-aged woman.

Sober reality in somebody else's body was a scary and frightening thing for him.

Being a woman having and breasts and vagina was terrifying to him.

Having sexual feelings and fantasising about men was a terrifying to him.

He almost turned to the bottle to calm his nerves and settle his head.

But he discovered something a lot more addictive.

Masturbating as a woman.

It was like nothing he had ever felt before.

It gave him the same buzz and high as a bottle of Scotch but none of the hangover the next day.

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